Venom Rat Cracked | 2022


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5 yrs. 11 mth. 2 days
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[Image: qz_evpufFzlp6g8kVmbHKIxxWwqHkIONDmcahMaB...12ab38c768]

- TCP network stream (IPv4 & IPv6 support)
- Fast network serialization (Protocol Buffers)
- Compressed (QuickLZ) & Encrypted (TLS) communication
- Multi-Threaded
- UPnP Support
- Support
- Visit Website (hidden & visible)
- Show Messagebox
- Task Manager
- File Manager
- Startup Manager
- Remote Desktop
- Remote Shell
- Download & Execute
- Upload & Execute
- System Information
- Computer Commands (Restart, Shutdown, Standby)
- Reverse Proxy (SOCKS5)
- Password Recovery (Common Browsers and FTP Clients)
- Registry Editor
- Ring3 Rootkit
- Hidden Process
- Hidden File
- Hidden Startup
- Hidden Remote Desktop - HRDP
- Hidden Remote Desktop - VNC
- Elevate Client Permissions
- UAC Bypass
- Remote WebCam
- Offline Keylogger - Live Keylogger (Unicode Support)
- PasteBin Uploader
- Velos Stealer
- Exploit Word Macro
- AnonFile Upload

1. Remote Desktop Access
It can control and manages your all devices remotely with a very fast and stable connection over 60 frames per second speed. It is the best rat software 2020.

2. Remotely Transfer Data
Venom Remote Administration Tool can transfer any type of file easily by using this software to another pc remotely. It can transfer files at a very fast speed.

3. Hidden RDP ( Remote Desktop Protocol )
Venom software rat has hidden RDP features which is one of the best features of this rat. This is a new feature in this RAT which you have not seen before in any other RAT. You can control your victim desktop remotely and hiddenly by using this feature.

4. Hidden VNC Viewer
It is also one of the advanced and new features of this rat. You can also remote control your client pc hiddenly bus using this feature. I sure It will be the best rat software 2021.

5. Power Administration
It is very powerful and all in one feature of this rat. It works like a control panel and It can show full windows process, functions, programs, startup, taskbar, running services in one place. You can also enable and disable any running program and service by using this feature.

1. Microsoft Netframework 3.5 or 4.6.1
2. Java JDK or JRE

This RAT ( Remote Access Tool ) is compatible with all windows operating systems. We successfully tested this RAT on all windows. It works pretty nice on all operating systems.

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