Working with Stealer Log : Paid and the "Free" Log Sorter in market


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Working with Stealer Log : Paid and the "Free" Log Sorter in market
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Code-name for this Thread are ClearLog
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What this thread purpose: Explanation Log Sorter and exisiting one in interet both free and paid
What thread Goal : Person know about Log sorter and able choose and decide which one best for it works.

Sorter is software to easy of Log management, it work by sorting and categorize log base on domain or value we request. Example we want get only data from log that contain; the Sorter will do job automatically to sort and find it. then it will export it on new folder that named base on value or item we look for. in folder there will be folder contain item we desire+cookie and log folder that contain that data. This software are extremely helpful for seller or individual who have hundred or thousand of log.

To make simple it like "mining machine" to filter gold from mud like in tv show Alaska Gold .

Current Sorter that will be discus are code in following language
Visual basic Net.

Most Sorter that i found for now being sell on various package and price. the cheapest one i encounter was 5000 Ruble (around 70$) for lifetime and the expensive one 100$ Like NoCryI in this forum. there also subscribe package for week and month.

There some User that kind enough and motivate to develop and release Sorter for free some even share source code of it.

Alright Now lets talk about the product;

Sorter X or SortX
[Image: Sorter-X-via-trendmicro.png]
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Image by Trend-Micro

It still very unclear where it origin since no-one talk about this sorter at western group. But i found what it seem original thread and Dev that I found Forum Thread that Trend-micro mention on it cyber report, it seem not the original author of SortX rather new member that share it. According to that thread this sorter support type of log by


The time that i find about Sorter X are from Trend-micro report, then XSS. Some member of forum share link download but i don't run it, i upload it to hybrid analysis and there interesting activity run in background :).From forum conversation i observe on lolz,xss it can sort generally all type of logs, but result are not perfect and often not generate any report. Most member mention to avoid using Sorter X to due not clear origin of author and many backdoor version distributed widely

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not official or original author
Trend Micro Report :
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StealerLogSearched ColdDog
[Image: Stealer-Log-Searched-Cold-Dog-via-trendmicro.jpg]

Develop by member ColdDog it have main function to sort log base on domain or ip being input on configuration before run. it interface are fully in russia language so you need learn some Russia or use translation tool with ocr function before being able use it.

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Sorter develop by member you can find more detail here and download. This are good and decent sorter develop using Python.
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StealerChecker by Tamzi
[Image: Stealer-Checker-Temnji-lolz.png]

Develop by member of code with C# with lot many feature include telegram. it support English Language. No much can i say about this one but you can check official thread. Currently there 3 way you can download this stealer

1. Official link/thread:
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2. Github+Source Code:
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Develop by NoCryi, who are also member of and Sell it for 100$ for lifetime with full support it feature support for Sorting any type of logs and check cookie from various service.
One of service that supported (there many more service that they support)
Services Cookies Checker: Youtube , Netflix , Gmail , Instagram , Facebook , Yahoo , Steam , Coinbase , Amazon , Binance.
Dev offer customer cookie checker for free if buyer requested, team will work of it.
currently it seem there no crack or leak version of this checker.
Buy and more info
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Develop by member of lolz, Btool are Log Sorter and Cookie Checker. It have lot positive review by member of lolz. Crack version was spotted in and many other place. it one product that recive postive rating and review. It cost 100$ for lifetime and support and free update given for free.

Universal log sorter

Develop by member of lolz "Coder" who also develop DC-Rat. it one of populer free sorter that member of lolz recommend for new user. "Coder" Claim that his/her sorter using advanced AI technique to recognize log type and Sort it. For more detail about feature here:
A versatile log sorter with many features.

Able to sort passwords from logs of any kind , thanks to learning to read the log (like AI, neural networks and other heresy).

Feature List:
-Sort folders with logs by file content
-Sort folders with logs by file name
-Sort folders with logs by folder name
-Sort folders with logs by file dates (Sort by log collection date)
-Sorting files from the log
-Sorting passwords from logs
-Normalizer of passwords from logs
-Sort cookies from logs*
-Sorting lines in files from logs
- Extractor of links from logs with passwords
More info and download
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The Final Part ClearLog are will explain True Cost of Operating Log Stealer and are it profitable or just Overhype ?
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