Your Websites Can Be Hacked If You Are Still Using Old Windows Servers


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11 yrs. 6 mth. 5 days
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Last month Microsoft ended support for Windows Server 2003, as research shows that millions of computers are still running Windows Server 2003 which can be hacked.

According to a research conducted by NetCraft in July 2015 shows that, 175 million websites were running on Windows Server 2003 computers

Chinese company Alibaba Group has 24,000 computer running on WS2003 and big firms, such as ING direct. These companies are using this unsupported operating system. Interesting part is even security firms use WS2003, including Panda Security and eScan.
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73% of these sites are served by Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0, which is available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP 64-bit. Rest of the sites use WS2003 with a web server software, GSHD 3.0, Safedog 4.0.0, Apache 2.2.8 and few more.

Vulnerabilities found in softwares can be patched or by updating them but vulnerabilities found in WS2003 operating system will not be fixed.

NetCraft says that, “While Microsoft does not officially offer any support beyond the extended support period reports suggest that some companies who have not migrated in time have arranged to pay millions of dollars for custom support deals.”
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