Search results

  1. rileyman0000

    dz-htaccess generator

    scan link: :idea:Password : OmertaHack Download:
  2. rileyman0000

    SMOD - MODBUS Pentest Framework

    smod is a modular framework with every kind of diagnostic and offensive feature you could need in order to pentest modbus protocol. It is a full modbus protocol implementation using Python and Scapy root@kali:~/smod# python _______ < SMOD > ------- \ ^__^ \...
  3. rileyman0000

    Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery [Fuzzing]

    discussions: Foreword xix Preface xxi Acknowledgments xxv About the Author xxvii P ARTI B ACKGROUND 1 Chapter 1 Vulnerability Discovery Methodologies 3 Chapter 2 What Is Fuzzing? 21 Chapter 3 Fuzzing Methods and Fuzzer Types 33 Chapter 4 Data Representation and Analysis 45 Chapter 5...
  4. rileyman0000

    User+Domain Extractor

    create "etc-passwd.txt" file besides User+Domain Extractor script and insert contents of "/etc/passwd" file Within "etc-passwd.txt" then give permision to script and run it... :exclamation: #!/bin/bash # # --------------------------------- # User+Domain Extractor # Licence : Linux #...
  5. rileyman0000

    Plasma RAT

    scan link: download link: password:
  6. rileyman0000

    Wordpress Brute force

    shot: Command : python -url "" -username "exitstars" -wordlist "wordlist.txt" ________________ #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from requests import post from threading import Thread from time import sleep from os import system from sys...
  7. rileyman0000

    C++ For HackerZ

    This tutorial is designed for everyone: even if you've never programmed before or if you have extensive experience programming in other languages and want to expand into C++! It is for everyone who wants the feeling of accomplishment from a working program... :idea: Download Link ...
  8. rileyman0000

    Paypal Scam Page (2016)

    Paypal Scam Page (2016) for thx... you can add rep for me !
  9. rileyman0000

    jSQL Injection v0.74

    jSQL Injection is a lightweight application used to find database information from a distant server:blank: [jSQL is free,open source and cross-platform(Windows,linux,mac os X,solaris)] Download Link:
  10. rileyman0000

    Blue Port Scanner [Premium Version]

    hi gangsters :) Scan Link : Download Link : :)
  11. rileyman0000

    TCP Port Scanner [Source]

    #include <iostream> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <cerrno> using namespace std; int flag=0,temp,startport,endport; char IP[20]; void PortTCP(); bool CheckPortTCP(short int Port ...
  12. rileyman0000

    Sqli Dumper V8.0

    Sqli Dumper V8.0 virus scan : download link : :X
  13. rileyman0000

    1x shop injected' username/password serena : serena beedge : Chloekb98 deborah : password enjoy !
  14. rileyman0000

    hello to all members

    hello thx for this forum ;)
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