Search results

  1. Prince

    Completed deal with price

    I confirm the deal with him @tornado, the payment is confirmed?
  2. Prince

    Completed PRINCE Paypal Transfer

    I confirm the deal. Please wait escrow confirmation
  3. Prince

    Completed first deal with Prince for WU

    @goldenpay pelas eupdate. i saw on that you picked up the money
  4. Prince

    Completed Prince confirm btc against wu

    MOney sent yesterday, pelase confirm
  5. Prince

    Completed iPhone X from M33

  6. Prince

    Completed Prince $5000 EURO Transfer

    Thanks for the confirmation @tornado, can you complete my dela, please? thanks !
  7. Prince

    Completed Prince confirm btc against wu

  8. Prince

    Completed first deal with Prince for WU

    Sorry for delay. i sent you 1 minute ago. thanks. please confirm
  9. Prince

    Completed Second Deal with 690$ BTC for 3500$ via PO and 3500$ to PP.

    Yes, Tornado. Money sent ! Please confirm T_ar
  10. Prince

    Completed Second Prince deal - Paypal. 9.000$ transfer

    Money sent. Please confirm
  11. Prince

    Completed First Prince WU Transfer for $300

    thanks for the confirmation ! @Tornado, please complete my deal
  12. Prince

    Completed Prince 299+5$ 2000$WU

    money sent. please confirm
  13. Prince

    Completed first deal with Prince for WU

    i confirm the deal. please wait escrow confirmation
  14. Prince

    Completed Price WU transfer

    Money sent. Please confirm, bro
  15. Prince

    Completed Prince skrill transfer

    Thanks for the confirmation @Tornado, please comlpete my deal
  16. Prince

    Completed First Prince WU Transfer for $300

    DONE Mtcn number sent
  17. Prince

    Completed Prince $5000 EURO Transfer

    5.000 euro sent to your paypal account. pelase confirm thanks
  18. Prince

    Completed Prince skrill transfer

    Money sent! please confirm. thank you
  19. Prince

    Completed $395 for $3000 WU tRANSFER

    Hello. Sorry for delay MTCN number sent again.. i sent it yesterday but the server was down for few minutes and not arrived Please check your PM and reply here when you pick up the money
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