Search results

  1. bilalkhanicom

    Crypters & Binders Pack

    Crypters & Binders Pack a huge collection of crypters and binder for all kind binding and crypting ========== Crypter 0 Crypter  AegisCrypter All Versions Black-Crypt Chrome Crypter comradex Crypter Cryptech Crypter By FKN Crypter-v3 CrypteX Advanced Cypter Source (Example) DeadLine's...
  2. bilalkhanicom

    Botnet Collection Pack

    Botnet Collection Pack its huge collection of botnet for free  ========== [video=youtube] µBot Aldi v2 Andromeda v2.06 Ann Loader Brainbot Cythosia DirtJumper V3 Elite Loader 3.0 Gaudox HerpesNet Kbot Builder Pandora Pony 1.9 SmokeBot Cracked Strike ufonet-v0.5b Umbra + loader...
  3. bilalkhanicom

    Top Powerfull DDOs attack tools

    Top Powerfull DDOs attack tools its huge collection for all kidn of ddos attack which u can use ur own way ========== [video=youtube] Bangla_Dos - Bangladesh DoS Attack Engine BBHH-Ultra DoS Black's Booter ByteDOS_v3.2 CPU Death Ping 2.0 FINAL Dos Attacker Alpha 1.1 Dos HTTP 1.0 Dos HTTP...
  4. bilalkhanicom

    Top Powerfull DDOs attack tools

    Top Powerfull DDOs attack tools its huge collection for all kidn of ddos attack which u can use ur own way ========== [video=youtube] Bangla_Dos - Bangladesh DoS Attack Engine BBHH-Ultra DoS Black's Booter ByteDOS_v3.2 CPU Death Ping 2.0 FINAL Dos Attacker Alpha 1.1 Dos HTTP 1.0 Dos HTTP...
  5. bilalkhanicom

    Anubis Android Banking Botnet v.2.5+Tutorial

    Anubis Android Banking Botnet v.2.5+Tutorial anubis is android bot very powerfull ========== [video=youtube] Included admin + arc + installation manual 235 inject banks, bills, crypt, grabbers ss The description is not complete as the bot was finished by itself Send SMS - send SMS with the...
  6. bilalkhanicom

    KeyBase v1.5 Beta+Tutorial

    KeyBase v1.5 Beta+Tutorial KeyBase is very good keylogger ========== [video=youtube] File Pumper Stealr Screen Shot Browser password ICON Changer Binder website blocker scanner mail client password stealing Keystroke recrod ICQ:653580170 jabber: [email protected] Download Link...
  7. bilalkhanicom

    Python Perl PHP and C script hacking mega pack

    Python Perl PHP and C script hacking mega pack ========== [video=youtube] Python XSS SQLi LFI RFI cmd scanner  xparadox's_uk_sms_bomber wifite v3n0m-v.0.1 V3n0MScanner-smartd0rk3r tumblr togel suram SQLi shellfinder scriptfinder recipe-473869-1 python_sql,rfi,lfi python_flash_card_quizzer...
  8. bilalkhanicom

    Exploit Pack

    Exploit Pack ========== [video=youtube] blackhole Bleeding Life v2 CRIMEPACK 3.0 Ice_pack_Platinum_Edition2_009_IDT_Group_and_BlackSun IcePack-Platinum09-1x33x7-EN Luiz Eleonore Exp 1.2 packs Phoenix Unique Pack X-Pack [Home Made] ICQ:653580170 jabber: [email protected] Download...
  9. bilalkhanicom

    NANOCORE RAT with all plugins CRACKED

    NANOCORE RAT with all plugins CRACKED NanoCore is one of the most powerful RATs ever created. It is capable of taking complete control of victim’s machine. It allows a user to control the system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It has many features which allows a user to access...
  10. bilalkhanicom

    Unix Smtp Scanner/Smtp scanner and Bruter/Ip smtp scanner and bruter+Tutorial

    Unix Smtp Scanner/Smtp scanner and Bruter/Ip smtp scanner and bruter+Tutorial its unix based scanner which scan and brute ip smtp and crack user pass with port 25 ========== [video=youtube] After Download Upload it on root or linux Extract with win rar or zip open terminal access...
  11. bilalkhanicom

    Loki Bot 2.0 Android Banker Botnet+Tutorial

    Loki Bot 2.0 Android Banker Botnet+Tutorial We want to offer a bot of our own developments. A completely new bot engine, the wishes of the customers are part of the functions of are automated, advanced functionality. ========== Loki Bot 2.0 Android Banker Botnet Android Bot Loki...
  12. bilalkhanicom

    sms botnet-how to hack android phone

    sms botnet-how to hack android phone very simple and very powerfull botnet for all kind of android phones  Tutorial Grab Phone List SMS Call  SOund Contact list url keylogs where victim visit or click or type
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