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    Reverse Engineering: Tutorial, Tools, Labs

    Reverse Engineering: Comprehensive Tutorial, Free Tools, and Practical Labs An interactive guide to malware analysis featuring hands-on laboratory exercises encompassing disassemblers, debuggers, and data collection utilities. It further explores static and dynamic analysis, code exploration...
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    Forensia | Erase traces after exploitation

    Forensia Anti Forensics Tool For Red Team, Used For Erasing Some Footprints In The Post Exploitation Phase. Reduces Payload Burnout And Increases Detection Countdown. Can Be Used To Test The capabilities of Your Incident Response / Forensics Teams.
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    Basic server types

    Hi, here is some info about basic server types... 1. Web Server Hosts and serves web pages and web applications to clients. Handles HTTP requests from web browsers and delivers HTML content. Supports various technologies such as PHP, ASP.NET, or Node,js Provides security measures like SSL...
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    Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

    Man-in-the-Middle Attacks are one of the most widely used attack types for today’s Cyber Attacks. It is also known as Eavesdropping (Snooping). In a Man-in-the-Middle Attack there are three players. These players are: Client (Victim) Server (The destination that the client are connecting)...
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    discord data leak?

    hi guys, i heard that discord data was leaked, is that true? in this forum you can find the leaked data?
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    : Upnp Exploiter

    Congratulations for the creation of UPNP Exploiter! It is an incredible tool that takes advantage of the vulnerabilities of the UPNP protocol, this protocol is only made for device communication, they have not focused on its security and you can take advantage of certain vulnerabilities. I will...
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    I present to you a free native silent (hidden) cryptocurrency mining tool capable of mining ETH, ETC, XMR, RTM and much more.
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    N Good job bro, nice post!! This, joining it with msfvenom, crypters and other tools, makes it almost at the top in terms of execution of exploits.
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    Introduction to Python

    I see you are sharing information about Python syntax and how to import modules in Python. It's great that you are providing these useful details to others. Keep it up and keep sharing your knowledge on the forum. Any methodology you use while programming? Greetings broth
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