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  1. c0rrupter

    Delete RAR PASS simple

    1) Visit 2) Select Your Password Protected File 3) Wait for a moment while you finish uploading your file then be redirected to the page to download. 4) The file will begin to download automatically and No Password! 5) Enjoy
  2. c0rrupter


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Proof of Concept-XSS in Chrome</title> </head>...
  3. c0rrupter

    How To Get A FBI Login Screen For Your Computer

    Required Software For This Tutorial - Logon Studio - FBI Pack Tutorial - Setup & run logon studio (Download above) - Click load on the side of the program - Select the FBI Logon screen (Download above) - Highlight it hit apply then restart your computer If you have a widescreen computer...
  4. c0rrupter

    some security cam dorkz

    inurl:”CgiStart?page=” inurl:/view.shtml intitle:”Live View / – AXIS inurl:view/view.shtml inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode= inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh inurl:axis-cgi/jpg inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected) inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml inurl:view/index.shtml inurl:view/view.shtml...
  5. c0rrupter

    Bruteforce Tutorial.[Dictationary Attacks]

    In this tutorial I will show you how to Dictionary Attack & Bruteforce logins using Scripts.The way the script hacks the site is setting variable's in the URL which are then recieved by the website's PHP scripts. First here are a few google dorks that you can use to find vulnerable sites: Code...
  6. c0rrupter

    disable xss filter by gChrome

    With this short yet useful for many tutorial, I will show you how to enable XSS pop-ups in Google Chrome. Many people here use Google Chrome for their hacking stuff and they come in a desperate situation when it comes to executing XSS attack from Google Chrome. The best idea, in my opinion...
  7. c0rrupter

    XSS Vectors For Your training

    50 awesome XSS vectors Enjoy! Now you can bypass any filter with the help of these full baked vectors :-) 1) <a href="javascript&colon;\u0061&#x6C;&#101%72t&lpar;1&rpar;"><button> 2) <div onmouseover='alert&lpar;1&rpar;'>DIV</div> 3) <iframe...
  8. c0rrupter

    Hack your Broadband by som3 simple stepz

    Now Hack Ur Broadband by these simple Steps Step 1: Download any port Scanner (i preffer Super Scan or IPscanner) Step 2: First Get your ip from CODE http://www.whatismyip.­com. Asume your IP to be 59.x.x.17 Step 3: copy your ip in IPscanner Software and scan for alive IPs in the below range...
  9. c0rrupter

    blind sql injectiion

    -----ABOUT BLIND SQL INJECTION------ BLIND SQL INJECTION We have already posted about Error based sql injection. Let us the discuss the harder part i.e. Blind sql injection. Let our example be : Let’s test it: and 1=1 <--- this...
  10. c0rrupter

    WHATSAPP Hacking( Get lifetime free subcription)

    see Steps to get WhatsApp for 10 years, as you all know Whatsapp is free for 1 year and after 1 year they will charge you, but this trick will help you to use whatsapp for 10 years. lets see how, just follow the below steps. 1. First you need to Delete you WhatsApp Account from your Phone. 2...
  11. c0rrupter


    Install Tamper Data firefox add-on: DOWNLOAD TAMPER DATA FROM HERE NOW INSTALL ADD-ON AND RESTART MOZILLA FIREFOX :blush: Now its time to rename your shell: Note: You have to rename you .php shell to .jpg to bypass the website's security To upload a shell, of-course you needed a upload option...
  12. c0rrupter

    infect anyone with rar filez

    -HEYA GANGSTAS- :$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a simple way of infecting your slave with a virus, trojan, worm, or any kind of malicious code. All you...
  13. c0rrupter

    37 Ways To Become A BetterHacker

    Well, The title is self explanatory. This post would not rely upon my input but it would rely upon your input, We will be gathering here 100 ways to become a better hacker. In other words 100 ways to improve your skills as a hacker. 1) Every person would get the credit for his submission. 2) The...
  14. c0rrupter

    find vuln sites by Country code

    * What You Need? Google Country Codes Dorks * Finding Vuln SQLI sites via country code: inurl:*.php?id= site:RU This will search for Russian sites with the site: dorkand look for pages with ANYTHING.php?id= * Targeting Specific Sites: This helps decrease the time it takes to find a vuln rather...
  15. c0rrupter

    tuto@ create jar virus

    Creating a jar virus This paper explains how to create a virus, that infects runnable Java Archive Files (JAR) while preserving their functionality. I invented this technique, but I think it is something you can easily come up with once you know how a JAR works. The emphasis lies on the...
  16. c0rrupter

    XSS cheat SH33T

    >"'><script>alert('XSS')</script> ');waitfor+delay+'0:0:15';--&taNotes= <BODY ONLOAD="document.write('TESTXSS')"> ======================================================== XSS proxies ======================================================== BeEF XSS Proxy XSS Shell...
  17. c0rrupter

    tuto@ HTML Command in SQL!

    Let me give you some nice tips to how to add your name, bold text, coloring form in sql injection... i use HTML command method to add my username with red color.. [#] Basic: [+] Some HTML Code/Command is <b> for bold <color> for color <tr> <td> <img> <a href> <title> < body> I think you know...
  18. c0rrupter

    Tuto@☝Instantly infect anyone on your network running Chrome

    WARNING: This is not a spoon fed tutorial. If you are looking for an easy, automated way to do this, look elsewhere. Suggested requirements: Apache and ettercap OR Backtrack Givens: IP is YOU IP is the victims Let's begin: Google Chrome has a great little...
  19. c0rrupter

    help with hash md5

    crack me this 3157f64ae4bb9156437baae08b8a095c i give rep + thx :stonedsmile: respect bro :c00lbert:[/b]
  20. c0rrupter

    Searching for ardmax

    i need ardmax keylogger 4.0.4 full cracked. :s can someone give me trusted link?
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