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  1. ShirleyBout

    Available methods From Darkteam

    Available methods Bestbuy Apple Nike bins Hsn Designer sites Jewellery sites Dior Power tools site TV site Boost mobile At&t Ebay Nike Furniture Gamestop Wish apple products Etc All for 100$⚡️
  2. ShirleyBout

    ATM Skimming tricks

    1) Know your target/surroundings! Alright, one thing that many many people make mistake is that they first look for skimmer vendor and attempt to buy most "popular" ATM skimmer in place which Rafael says is the Die bold. Now, what I advise you guys who are just getting into skimming scene is to...
  3. ShirleyBout

    ATM Skimmer Cashing/Installing Safety From Darkteam

    I was many time asked questions about how to be secure when working with skimmers. I will try to describe here the basic moments, which are important in the work, about which it is not necessary to forget, and I will also write some recommendations from my own experience. And so, let us begin...
  4. ShirleyBout

    ATM Must Know From Darkteam

    Code: The engineering codes are used to opereting repair and adjustment of ATMs. For the most part and are used in old and new ATMs Japanese (brand not specified), the difference is only the immediate combination of signs codde. What can I do with inject code with the ATM. Opportunities well...
  5. ShirleyBout

    ATM Hacking [Tutorial] From darkteam

    ATM Hacking [2015 Tutorial] As we reported earlier, Microsoft will stop supporting the Windows XP operating system after 8th April, apparently 95% of the world’s 3 million ATM machines are run on it. Microsoft's decision to withdraw support for Windows XP poses critical security threat to the...
  6. ShirleyBout

    Applepie - A Hypervisor For Fuzzing Built With WHVP And Bochs From DarkTeam

    Hello! Welcome to applepie! This is a tool designed for fuzzing, introspection, and finding bugs! This is a hypervisor using the Windows Hypervisor Platform API present in recent versions of Windows (specifically this was developed and tested on Windows 10 17763). Bochs is used for providing...
  7. ShirleyBout

    Apple Pay Cashout Method 2022

    1. Get a new or an old Iphone or Ipad that has never been used with apple pay cash.​ ​ 2. Verify 1 of the accounts via apple pay cash. It has to match the name and address on a driver license and the phone.​ ​ 3. Once verified make another new accont on the same iphone/ipad if it let. If not get...
  8. ShirleyBout


    REQUIREMENTS:- Requirements: Fresh RDP (Fresh Mac Address/PC Cache) Fresh VPN/Socks5 (Matching State Socks with 25 Mile Radius) Fresh High Balance BIN CC (BINS:371381/548031) Fresh E-Mail created at least 3 Months Ago somewhat matching cardholder name or information.
  9. ShirleyBout

    Anonymous mailbox in the TOR network Share by Darkteam

    Completely anonymous mailbox - a useful thing, and, of course, such a series exists. But you know, the demand here is very specific: not only hackers, spies, political dissidents and informers want to send letters and not to leave traces, but spammers, extortionists, herdsmen and other amateurs...
  10. ShirleyBout

    Amex droping now from darkteam

    379711854501009 02/21 5722 Kathryn Swanson 1303 Marsman Ave SE Grand Rapids STATE 49546 UNITED STATES
  11. ShirleyBout

    Amex cc 2 From Darkteam

    379814625861007 04/22 0207 Veronica Saunders-Clermont 1395 NW 95th Terrace Miami STATE 33147 UNITED STATES
  12. ShirleyBout

    amazon log with giftcard balance

    Username: [email protected] Password: chaquala97 Gift Balance: 30 Address: , 745 W State St Ste 510, Columbus, Oh 43222-1515 | Phone: (614)357-7609 Credit Card: Visa ending in 9702 - 07/2018 Country: United States
  13. ShirleyBout

    Amazon Gift Carding $500 Method Tutorial

    Buy fullz cards from trusted vendors in the forum or try the free cards in the forum The next move is to get connected RDP/911 VPN. Pay attention that you have to connect to the state where the CC was issued. (For example, if your card was made in Tennessee or the card holder is form Tennessee...
  14. ShirleyBout Gift Card Gift Card Claim Code: DBM4-BJMDU6-RFPW
  15. ShirleyBout

    Amazon carding from mobile From Darkteam

    Steps To Card Amazon Using Android ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ Download The Following Apps : >> HideMyAss! Pro Vpn / Vyper VPN >> Mozilla Firefox Get Your CC Ready 1.First of all connect your VPN to the Credit Card owner's country 2.Open Mozilla Firefox 3.Go to Gmail 4.Make a new account with CC...
  16. ShirleyBout

    Again MORE from darkteam

  17. ShirleyBout

    Adidas Giftcard

    Code: 6006493890004349204 PIN: 4066
  18. ShirleyBout

    A Tool For Shell Commands Execution, Visualization And Alerting

    Sampler is a tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting. Configured with a simple YAML file. Installation macOS brew cask install sampler or Code: curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/sampler chmod +x...
  19. ShirleyBout

    5 Hacker Ways To Hack Facebook

    1. Hacking any actions on Facebook account – A CSRF Bypass This CSRF vulnerability allows the attacker to take over the account completely and also it has the ability to perform any actions like liking page, posting a photo, etc. on the victim’s Facebook account anonymously without hacking into...
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