This Metasploit module exploits a remote code execution vulnerability in the YAML request processor of the Squash application
Author : Charlie Eriksen
Source : Squash YAML Code Execution ≈ Packet Storm
Code : ##
# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
Description :
Different D-Link Routers are vulnerable to OS command injection via the web interface. The vulnerability exists in command.php, which is accessible without authentication. This Metasploit module has been tested with the versions DIR-600 2.14b01, DIR-300 rev B 2.13. Two target are...
work on \; Windows 7 y Vista x86 x64
Windows XP x86 x64
File Info:
File Name: Stub.exe
SHA1: 31142069363d04c7e81e16e268abf548c9506475
MD5: 2a0128f221c3256d1c58d93e8fa9b542
Date|Time: 8-08-13,04:41:02
Report Generated by LeVeL-23.Co
File Size: 253952 Bytes
Detection: 0 of 35
Status: Clean...
xp sp3 ok
w7 32 ok
w7 64 ok
ecryptado ok
server cyber gate
Detecciones: 0/23
arcavir - Ok
avast - Ok
avg - Ok
avira - Ok
bitdefender - Ok
clamav - Ok
drweb - Ok
emsisoft - Ok
nod32 - Ok
fprot - Ok
fsecure - Ok
ikarus - Ok
kaspersky - Ok
mcafee - Ok
microsoft - Ok
norman - Ok
panda - Ok...
The Best E whoring Guide and Tips That
Makes Lots of $$$$$
Before you decide to E-Whore, first of the things you need is to have patience you can't give up
if you don't see results in 1 hour or 2 hours, at the beginning I have been trying for whole nights,
I was reading tuts I have been finding...
I am not the owner of this tut
E-Whoring pack [ TUT ]
This is a guide to Ewhoring. This is all written by Acid. So please do not copy and paste without permission. I will give you permission, just ask and give credits.
This guide is for educational purposes and I am not responsible for how...
The ULTIMATE E-Whoring Guide
So by you coming to this thread I am assuming you want to learn the ways of e-whoring or you are thinking... 'What the fuck is e-whoring'
Just to get a few things straight.
Thanks to HackForums for uploading the cam video, all credits go to them! (Not sure who on...
Samsung has developed its first NVMe-connected 3,000MB/s solid-state drive (SSD). And it is extending its three-bit-per-cell range of flash storage with a 1TB whopper.
NVMe stands for Non-Volatile Memory Express, and is a standardised protocol for applications to access data stored on...
A public relations boss briefly became the world's first quadrillionaire after a PayPal slip-up made him the richest man on the planet.
Chris Reynolds, from Delaware, opened up his monthly PayPal statement and was astonished to find he had suddenly been handed a whopping $92,233,720,368,547,800...