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  1. M33

    VbsEdit 5.9.3 (.smi) - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

    Author : d3b4g Source : VbsEdit 5.9.3 (.smi) - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Code : # Exploit Title: VbsEdit 5.9.3(.smi file handling) Buffer overflow vulnerability # Date: 22.7.2013 # Exploit Author: d3b4g # Vendor Homepage: # Software Link: #...
  2. M33

    Sybase EAServer 6.3.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Author : SEC Consult Source : Sybase EAServer 6.3.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities Code : SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20130719-0 > ======================================================================= title: Multiple vulnerabilities product...
  3. M33

    MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Script - Multiple Vulnerabilities

    Author : 3spi0n Source : MLM (Multi Level Marketing) Script - Multiple Vulnerabilities[/align] Code : ################################################################################## _____ _ _ _ _____ | __ \ | | | | (_)...
  4. M33

    WordPress FlagEm Cross Site Scripting

    The WordPress FlagEm plugin suffers from a cross site scripting vulnerability. Authored by IeDb Source: WordPress FlagEm Cross Site Scripting ≈ Packet Storm ################################# # Iranian Exploit DataBase # ################################# #...
  5. M33

    C# Core Programming Construct

    C# Core Programming Construct (PART-1) Ajay Yadav April 01, 2013 Introduction This article explores the core C# programming language constructs by presenting numerous stand-alone concepts such as data types, constants, iterations and conditional statements. This chapter describes on the...
  6. M33

    Dot NET Assemblies and Strong Name Signature

    Dot NET Assemblies and Strong Name Signature Soufiane TahiriApril 09, 2013 General Overview Before going any deeper on this subject, we need to clarify a huge ambiguity regarding signing for versioning and signing for protecting. A strong name signature is after all a set of information...
  7. M33

    Hacking Java Applications using JavaSnoop

    Hacking Java Applications using JavaSnoop GADI007 March 15, 2013 Introduction: We are all aware of tools like Burp, Paros, WebInspect, etc… for intercepting web-based traffic and also for automating the security testing process. However, the same is not true for thick client applications...
  8. M33

    Building Custom Controls in C# – Part 2

    Building Custom Controls in C# – Part 2 Victor Marak March 08, 2013 ABSTRACT This article will enable you to understand parallel axis graphs and how you might want to implement a fully functional, albeit basic, yet effective custom control in C#. Graphing and data visualization are hot...
  9. M33

    Building Custom Controls in C# – Part 1

    Building Custom Controls in C# – Part 1 Victor Marak March 07, 2013 ABSTRACT Custom UI Controls require a good grasp of GDI+, collections, delegates/events and smart use of multithreading facilities provided by the C# language. Here, we will focus on 2D graphics that incorporates the System...
  10. M33

    Demystifying dot NET Reverse Engineering: Advanced Round-trip Engineering

    Soufiane Tahiri January 23, 2013 Before going through this article, I highly advice you to read all previous ones in the series since I will not re-explain some techniques and re-describe some tools previously presented. Here, I will assume that you understood the basics and everything that...
  11. M33

    Using X5S with Fiddler to find XSS Vulnerabilities

    Pavitra Shankdhar Cross Site Scripting is one of the top 10 OWASP security threats. This dangerous vulnerability allows attackers to inject malicious scripts on a website in using the browser. This flaw can be found anywhere inside the application that takes users inputs. If the website is...
  12. M33

    Password Cracking Using Cain & Abel

    Password Cracking Using Cain & Abel Ahmed Mohamed January 25, 2013 Introduction According to the official website, Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kinds of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted...
  13. M33

    Content Spoofing

    According to WhiteHat Security’s annual study of about 15,000 websites, 86% had at least one serious hole that hackers could exploit, and content spoofing is one such prevalent vulnerability, identified in over half of the sites. The top 15 vulnerability classes for websites are said to be...
  14. M33

    FBI spooks use MALWARE to spy on suspects' Android mobes - report

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation is using mobile malware to infect, and control, suspects' Android handsets, allowing it to record nearby sounds and copy data without physical access to the devices. That's according to "former officers" interviewed by the Wall Street Journal ahead of privacy...
  15. M33

    Step into the BREACH: New attack developed to read encrypted web data

    Black Hat 2013 A new hacking technique dubbed BREACH can extract login tokens, session ID numbers and other sensitive information from SSL/TLS encrypted web traffic, say researchers. Secret data crucial to securing online banking and shopping can be lifted from an HTTPS channel in as little as...
  16. M33

    Sql Injecter v2

  17. M33

    Patator Brute Forcer 0.5 - multi-purpose brute-forcer

    Website https://co** Patator is a multi-purpose brute-forcer, with a modular **sign and a flexible usage. Currently it supports the following modules: - ftp_login : Brute-force FTP - ssh_login : Brute-force SSH - telnet_login : Brute-force Telnet - smtp_login ...
  18. M33

    iPentagram - ShellBooter, DorkScanner,Vuln.Scanner,IPTracer,TxtEncrypt

    What is iPentagram? iPentagram is a project I have been working on for the past few weeks. It inclu**s a large variety of functions which are mandatory for all computer lovers and enthusiasts. Features: // Shell Booter - Powerful and advanced shellbooter which gives the users the ability to add...
  19. M33


    Download: Pass: Fuente:** [+] FEATURES : - Engine 1 ( Version 0.58; 750 KB ) - Engine 2 ( Version 0.60; ~1 MB ) - Low Stub Size - Co**d in C#.NET - Using the latest UfaSoft Miner ( 0.58 ) + ( 0.60 ) - No Drops / Downloads...
  20. M33

    SilentMiner cracked by blazed

    Protection: Confuser 1.9 Download: source:** server File Info: File Name: Mining.exe SHA1: cafb6c0d8**9d11528eb77d7cfa8bf9f1f37990c MD5: 0c4effd6a3b3330f9eeec7a784fd7cf5 Date|Time: 26-07-13,02:31:04 Report Generated by LeVeL-23.Co...
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