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  1. rileyman0000

    TCP Port Scanner [Source]

    Thank you for the feedback and suggestions! Adding comments to explain key sections and functions is definitely a good idea to make the code more readable and understandable for others. Regarding parallel scanning using multiple threads or processes, yes, it can definitely improve performance...
  2. rileyman0000

    ▌▌ PayPal FunDS Transfer ▌ VERIFIED Seller ▌ ESCROW ACCEPTED ▌▌

    ▌▌ PayPal FunDS Transfer ▌ VERIFIED Seller ▌ ESCROW ACCEPTED ▌▌ ========================== Please do not try and contact Escrowowner via Private Message Escrow service is done ONLY THROUGH THE FORUMS If you are using Escrow service you MUST PM ME BEFORE WE START THE DEAL... I WILL NEVER PM...
  3. rileyman0000

    ▌▌ PayPal FunDS Transfer ▌ESCROW ACCEPTED ▌▌

    ▌▌ PayPal FunDS Transfer ▌ESCROW ACCEPTED ▌▌ Please do not try and contact Escrowowner via Private Message Escrow service is done ONLY THROUGH THE FORUMS If you are using Escrow service you MUST PM ME BEFORE WE START THE DEAL... I WILL NEVER PM YOU, YOU PM ME, IF SOMEONE PM YOU CLAIMING TO BE...
  4. rileyman0000

    MYSQL Dumper V1

    You can dump DB with this. Need root access to work #!/usr/bin/env python #MySql dumper by c0ax #Greetz: baltazar, b0ne, den5e, Maxell, MikiSoft, Melvin, crax0, v0da, Soul, tek0t and all another ljuska members. #Usage: python dbname dbuser userpassword hostname nameofbackupfile...
  5. rileyman0000

    darkWP py script

    this tool is python script that attempts to check for known sqli vul in a given WordPress installation...:D Usage : python [options] Required: Define: -u "" Optional: Define: -p " or proxy.txt" Example: python -u ""...
  6. rileyman0000

    Dark D0rk3r Python Script

    #!/usr/bin/python # This was written for educational purpose and pentest only. Use it at your own risk. # Author will be not responsible for any damage! # !!! Special greetz for my friend sinner_01 !!! # Toolname : # Coder : baltazar a.k.a b4ltazar <...
  7. rileyman0000

    SQli Checker [Python]

    this tool is simple python script which can perform link checking for SQLi. Script reads target file and check every link in file for vulnerability … Usage is simple: python FILE_NAME For now there is no threading support, but i working on it ;) #!/usr/bin/python # This was...
  8. rileyman0000

    FTP Scanner [Perl]

    #!/usr/bin/perl # # Hollow Chocolate Bunnies From Hell # presenting # - FTP scanner by softxor # Version 0.9 # # # is an IRC bot that scans for anonymous FTP servers or FTP's witth easy to break # password protection and posts the contents (if anonymous...
  9. rileyman0000

    hax binder

    procedure to use it : select files choose icon under compile tab click on compile you are done why this binder ? hax binder comes with a very friendly user interface [GUi] custom icon bind to files download link :
  10. rileyman0000

    IRC Scanner - VNC VULN SCAN

    #!/usr/bin/perl # IRC Scanner - VNC VULN SCAN # by Nexen &amp;&amp; CrashOveriDe # Multi-threaded scan for OpenVNC 4.11 authentication bypass. # Based on Tyler Krpata's Perl scanning code. #piglio le librerie use IO::Socket; use IO::Socket::INET; use threads; use threads::shared; use Errno...
  11. rileyman0000

    PHP Database Scanner

    <?php echo ***8220;<html>***8221;; echo ***8220;<title>[ Database Scanner]</title><body>***8221;; set_time_limit(0); ################## @$passwd=fopen(***8216;/etc/passwd***8217;,'r***8217;); if (!$passwd) { echo ***8220;[-] Error : Can***8217;t read /etc/passwd***8221;; exit; }...
  12. rileyman0000

    Havij v1.16 Pro Portable [Cracked]

    Hi Omerta members this is havij pro cracked version Download : Scan Link : good luck ;) :cool:
  13. rileyman0000

    PenBox v1.2 [All In One Tool For Penetration Testing]

    how to use: git clone && cd PenBox cd Versions/V1.2 python #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # # All In One Tool For Penetration Testing # Authors : Fedy Wesleti , Mohamed Nour # import sys import os import time import httplib import...
  14. rileyman0000

    Vbulletin Logger

    Hello My friendz :cool: (Step 1) Go into admincp and make your way to plugins and products. Once there add a new plugin following this format Hook Location : global_start Execution order : 5 Plugin PHP Code : $show['nopasswordempty'] = TRUE; Active: Yes (Step 2) Add another plugin following...
  15. rileyman0000

    How to Get Free VPS ! [Video]

    [video=youtube] Hi My Freinds, you can get per month free VPS using this tut.. enjoy :X
  16. rileyman0000

    Penetration Testing With BackBox

    Download: (:|
  17. rileyman0000

    Viotto Binder

    Download Link:
  18. rileyman0000

    DroidJack - Android Remote Administration Tool

    - Explore files - Download file/folder - Delete files - Upload file/folder - Create folder - Delete SMS - Read conversations - Write SMS - Send SMS - Read call logs - Delete call logs - Make calls - Record call conversation* - Read contacts - Write contacts - Delete contacts - Add...
  19. rileyman0000

    Wordpress Formcraft Plugin File Upload Vulnerability

    Exploit : if you have received this error [{"failed":"No file found 2"}] this means that your target has this vuln... file upload script : <title>Uploader</title> <form method="POST" action="...
  20. rileyman0000

    Danger Sql Injection Dorks Scanner v2.0

    File size : 252.72 KB download : scan link : enjoy ;)
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