24.000$ received... i still wait for the rest. I will reply here when i will receive all money
badboyhelper Well-known member Member Joined 9 yrs. 5 mth. 4 days Messages 1,897 Reaction score 2,546 Wallet 0$ October 20 - 3:29 #11 24.000$ received... i still wait for the rest. I will reply here when i will receive all money
Prince [ Verified Seller ] Staff member Trusted Seller Joined 11 yrs. 6 mth. 27 days Messages 5,381 Reaction score 18,380 Age 45 Wallet 11,590$ Mail [email protected] October 21 - 8:34 #12 Ok man. I sent all money but please check again the bank account.
badboyhelper Well-known member Member Joined 9 yrs. 5 mth. 4 days Messages 1,897 Reaction score 2,546 Wallet 0$ October 24 - 8:53 #13 I just checked my bank accounts and i received all money. Total 39.890 $ thanks in advance prince. I will place new order with you but now i wait to complete the deal with z3phone because i want to buy some iphones to sell them. great job mate !
I just checked my bank accounts and i received all money. Total 39.890 $ thanks in advance prince. I will place new order with you but now i wait to complete the deal with z3phone because i want to buy some iphones to sell them. great job mate !
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,857 Wallet 8,991$ October 26 - 1:35 #14 Deal completed ! Money released to Prince !