TX: 5aa4683e41e74ee9d6aa808ebc6c84c5bead9c5a1c4a5a7d4cf30fdbce479da4 Please Confirm!
H HCKPT New member Member Joined 9 yrs. 3 mth. 7 days Messages 4 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ December 7 - 12:25 #1 TX: 5aa4683e41e74ee9d6aa808ebc6c84c5bead9c5a1c4a5a7d4cf30fdbce479da4 Please Confirm!
Prince [ Verified Seller ] Staff member Trusted Seller Joined 11 yrs. 6 mth. 27 days Messages 5,381 Reaction score 18,380 Age 45 Wallet 11,590$ Mail [email protected] December 7 - 2:17 #2 I confirm the deal. Please wait untill escrow confirm the payment and I'll send you the money. I already have your bank account
I confirm the deal. Please wait untill escrow confirm the payment and I'll send you the money. I already have your bank account
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,858 Wallet 8,991$ December 7 - 5:35 #3 The payment is confirmed.
Prince [ Verified Seller ] Staff member Trusted Seller Joined 11 yrs. 6 mth. 27 days Messages 5,381 Reaction score 18,380 Age 45 Wallet 11,590$ Mail [email protected] December 9 - 11:37 #4 Money sent to your bank account yesterday. Please check your account and reply here once you receive the money.
Money sent to your bank account yesterday. Please check your account and reply here once you receive the money.
H HCKPT New member Member Joined 9 yrs. 3 mth. 7 days Messages 4 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ December 10 - 7:41 #5 checked the bank account and all money are there. thanks prince. can you make a big deal? i mean that if i send you 5-6 btc can you send to my account 15000 euro?
checked the bank account and all money are there. thanks prince. can you make a big deal? i mean that if i send you 5-6 btc can you send to my account 15000 euro?
Prince [ Verified Seller ] Staff member Trusted Seller Joined 11 yrs. 6 mth. 27 days Messages 5,381 Reaction score 18,380 Age 45 Wallet 11,590$ Mail [email protected] December 10 - 8:00 #6 Thanks for the confirmation. @Escrow, please complete the deal and release my money
badboyhelper Well-known member Member Joined 9 yrs. 5 mth. 5 days Messages 1,897 Reaction score 2,546 Wallet 0$ December 11 - 9:19 #7 nice deal man.. keep it working
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,858 Wallet 8,991$ December 13 - 8:28 #8 HCKPT said: Please, Log in or Register to view quote content! Click to expand... DEAL COMPLETED !