payment posted to your bank sucessfully please check your bank and reply here thanks
Xardy Carder Carder Joined 11 yrs. 7 mth. 2 days Messages 2,137 Reaction score 8,069 Wallet 0$ September 10 - 7:13 #11 payment posted to your bank sucessfully please check your bank and reply here thanks
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,858 Wallet 8,991$ September 10 - 3:48 #12 Please confirm that you received the money... Thanks
dhaughton Well-known member Member Joined 11 yrs. 6 mth. 19 days Messages 815 Reaction score 1,096 Wallet 202$ September 11 - 1:44 #13 Yes bro. Confirm I'm on phone now. Good job. Thank you!
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,858 Wallet 8,991$ September 11 - 1:46 #14 Deal completed... Money sent to Xardy