Hacklock is a bash based script which is officially termux from this tool in just one click you can generate pattern phishing tool which can hack victim pattern and. This tool works on both rooted Android device and Non-rooted Android device.
Installation and usage guide:
$ apt-get update -y
$ apt-get upgrade -y
$ pkg install python -y
$ pkg install python2 -y
$ pkg install git -y
$ pip install lolcat
$ git clone
$ ls
$ cd hacklock
$ ls
$ bash hacklock.sh
Hack pattern :
Installation and usage guide:
$ apt-get update -y
$ apt-get upgrade -y
$ pkg install python -y
$ pkg install python2 -y
$ pkg install git -y
$ pip install lolcat
$ git clone
$ ls
$ cd hacklock
$ ls
$ bash hacklock.sh
- Now you need internet connection to continue further process and Turn on your device hotspot to get link...
- You will recieve patter pin in below image you can see pattern with numbers
- You can select any option by clicking on your keyboard
- Note:- Don't delete any of the scripts included in core files
Hack pattern :
- From this option you can create phishing pattern link which get keys of victim pattern after he used this link
- You can see details of the creator of script
- From this option you update the script if there is new update available
- From this option you can exit from hacklock tool