Is in my city the pack now. i wait till i'll receive it on my house then i'll reply here.!
R Rayjon32 Well-known member Member Joined 10 yrs. 1 mth. 1 days Messages 533 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ February 21 - 12:38 #11 Is in my city the pack now. i wait till i'll receive it on my house then i'll reply here.!
R Rayjon32 Well-known member Member Joined 10 yrs. 1 mth. 1 days Messages 533 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ February 23 - 10:30 #12 Not received yet. i called them and they told me that tomorrow will receive to me. I'll update the deal when it will come
Not received yet. i called them and they told me that tomorrow will receive to me. I'll update the deal when it will come
R Rayjon32 Well-known member Member Joined 10 yrs. 1 mth. 1 days Messages 533 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ February 26 - 9:27 #13 i just received the pack today man. thanks alot! positive feedback leaved
Tornado [ Final Boss ] Staff member Escrow Moderator Administrator V.I.P Joined 12 yrs. 10 mth. 18 days Messages 8,339 Reaction score 27,857 Wallet 8,991$ March 2 - 10:06 #14 DEAL COMPLETED!