Do you prefer it to hackthebox or does it depend on your comfort and way of working?
C Cr1xXyu Active member Member Joined 1 yrs. 10 mth. 1 days Messages 40 Reaction score 1 Wallet 150$ December 7 - 7:38 #1 Do you prefer it to hackthebox or does it depend on your comfort and way of working?
N nonchalant New member Member Joined 1 yrs. 5 mth. 16 days Messages 3 Reaction score 0 Wallet 0$ February 22 - 6:50 #2 Personally, I have started with THM and then switched to Hackthebox. Here is the path I would recommend : THM Junior pentester Do a few thm CTF (not very realistic though) Try your skills on old HTB box
Personally, I have started with THM and then switched to Hackthebox. Here is the path I would recommend : THM Junior pentester Do a few thm CTF (not very realistic though) Try your skills on old HTB box