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  1. Ernestbok

    How to create free .edu mail latest method

    1. Activate your VPN on United States 2. Head over to 3. Click “Sign up with email” 4. Head over to 5. Randomize an United States Identity 6. Head over to and generate an e-mail 7. On the edu apply, fill in the...
  2. Ernestbok

    How to completely crash a server with a single command(Sudo needed)

    With this command you can crash any server completely & delete all It's files with sudo(Low sudo priv works too). Hidden Content Command 1: rm -r /* Command 2: sudo rm -r /* Find Reply Quote Report Mysterious Mysterious user_62564 Posts: 459 Threads: 4 Joined: Aug 2022 Reputation: 566...
  3. Ernestbok


    Hidden Content Go to this website and search for stock images, vectors, PSD, fonts and more everything in one place Extras:
  4. Ernestbok

    How To Hack Any Device Via PDF

    Requirement : ▪️Termux ▪️Metasploit Note : Only For Educational Purpose Try On Your Own Risk ! Let's Start The Hack : ▪️Open termux and follow the commands mentioned below. First, make sure you have metaploit installed in it. $ msfconsole $ use exploit/windows/fileformat/...
  5. Ernestbok

    How to change your CPU name!

    @Arx asked how to change your cpu name so I will provide a tutorial! This only works for windows machines but I will find something for Linux. Mac is a different story for another day. Leeches Will Be Reported! Hidden Content I take no responsibility for your own actions following this...
  6. Ernestbok

    How to bypass coinbase debit card verify

    When you verify coinbase with your id, you will have a screen to add a debit card to continue. Don't have a debit card? Don't use fake debit card since coinbase detect that. REQUIRIMENTS: - Passport / ID Card (No driving license, sorry) We need to install the app "pyypl" on your phone and then...
  7. Ernestbok

    How to build super efficient wordlists from your machines

    How to build super efficient wordlists from your machines Hello dear Breached community Today i want to teach you how to build wordlists using a public machine you have. First you will need to have an open ssh or http server on that machine Then you can use this command to get a wordlist of...
  8. Ernestbok

    How to be a discord hacker

    [Image: IMG-20221006-165526.jpg] [Image: v5Cgi3d.gif]
  9. Ernestbok

    >How to activate office in 5 minutes

    A method I found in the world wide web: Hidden Content **all the original office works download or you want it *** Why activate Office from the command line? - you do not need an .exe activator which can infect your PC - You are sure what you are sending With CMD or PowerShell > Once...
  10. Ernestbok

    How to Search for website servers infected by CoinHive Miner

    [Image: lv5NSX.jpg] [Image: image-2-1.png?fit=643%2C299&ssl=1] A website infected by CoinHive Miner [Image: cryptojacking_3.png?fit=630%2C202&ssl=1] Javascript code that runs CoinHive Miner
  11. Ernestbok

    How to Install Lazymux Tool for Termux

    [Image: IMG_20221011_211339_129.jpg] Hidden Content HACKTRONIAN Menu : [01] Information Gathering [02] Vulnerability Scanner [03] Stress Testing [04] Password Attacks [05] Web Hacking [06] Exploitation Tools [07] Sniffing & Spoofing [08] Other Open Termux...
  12. Ernestbok

    How to Hack Like a Legend

    [Image: tgw8dyn.jpg] How to Hack Like a Legend DOWNLOAD: systemctl start breached
  13. Ernestbok

    How to Enable All Arrow Keys in Termux

    [Image: IMG_20221010_052005_113.jpg] Hidden Content mkdir $HOME/.termux/ ;echo "extra-keys = [['ESC','/','-','HOME','UP','END'],['TAB','CTRL','ALT','LEFT','DOWN','RIGHT']]" >> $HOME/.termux/ && termux-reload-settings && sleep 1 && logout
  14. Ernestbok

    How to Bypass 2FA(0day, currently working)

    Video shows how to bypass 2fa on Video:
  15. Ernestbok

    How scamming students for fake lodges work

    This tutorial is meant for educational purposes I am not liable, of anything you use this knowledge to do. Niggas can make $4 -10k if done right(also for niggas saying "this is what dacoke does" no I don't this is literally basic shit) Step 1 - The scammers target students returning to school...
  16. Ernestbok

    How malware abuses trust - VirusTotal [22 June]

    Hi again! There are several articles on the net that deal abstractly or give conclusions from this document that are not easy to find in full. (You have to give some data to virustotal) In my opinion there is some overlooked information that may be of interest! Hidden Content...
  17. Ernestbok

    How forum members can change the world.

    - Respecting all users in all time. Discussion about diferent ideas anymore, no about people. - Patient with people that not have any idea about something that is being talked about. - Teach others how do something like improving his opsec, how dehash every hash that will be necessary, etc -...
  18. Ernestbok

    How To working with Stealer Log Building Workplace and Cleaning up Log

    This Thread Are part of my personal writing Project With Goal to create Thread/Article as many as i want or like Codename of this Project are ClearLog. Update Thread Content : Working with Sandboxie Method Add Add One method of infection ]Link To Second Part Here...
  19. Ernestbok

    How To Upgrade Your Account

    There lot benefit from upgrading account. You don't need to reply to view some thread although you still need credits to unlock database and other leak section, Custom Username, more inbox storage and many more. check Hidden Content...
  20. Ernestbok

    How To Pirate Movies [Without Ads]

    To pirate movies, you need three things: 1. A computer 2. A Proxy/Tor 3. Torrenting Software (Prefrably qBittorrent) If you don't have a proxy or torrenting software I'll show you how to set them up in the next step. Step 1 - Get a proxy For this guide, I'm going to use to...
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