Search results

  1. Ernestbok

    warning: is federal law enforcement sting

    this seemed the most appropriate place to post the warning since technical people who might be affected like this are most likely to be in this section. that's all I'll say about it. good luck and stay safe! oh, but I will add that there are a lot of good alternatives. see a huge list here...
  2. Ernestbok

    CS 4.4 needed

    CS 4.4 needed
  3. Ernestbok

    log4j exp for vcenter needed

    log4j exp for vcenter needed
  4. Ernestbok

    IP rotation

    hello guys; i need to make an ip rotation every x minutes with tor or proxy . Do you have software or automatic method please thank you in advance
  5. Ernestbok

    Devolop a Univeral Content Launcher using C

    Hi found this somewhere, its a good read and can help you learn something new [Image: snbyib.png]
  6. Ernestbok

    Chrome internal network logging

    List of Chrome URLs chrome://about chrome://accessibility chrome://attribution-internals chrome://autofill-internals chrome://blob-internals chrome://bluetooth-internals chrome://chrome-urls chrome://components chrome://crashes chrome://credits chrome://device-log chrome://dino...
  7. Ernestbok

    [HTB] Dante pro Labs

    ## This is writup for Dante pro Labs ### my target network is ``` == DANTE-WEB-NIX01 pwned !! == DANTE-WS01 pwned !! == DANTE-NIX02 pwned !! --------------------------------- ``` #### first scan of the network revilas ```
  8. Ernestbok

    [Req] sonarqube enterprise

    [Req] sonarqube enterprise
  9. Ernestbok

    Mordor <0x0539/> By Sleep

    So Here are my results for ctf by SleepTheGod <?php function setck($name,$val) { setcookie($name, $val); $_COOKIE[$name] = $val; } if(isset($_POST['source'])) { echo "<pre>"; echo...
  10. Ernestbok

    Quickest way to search a ton of files / databases?

    Hey, I've collected and parsed databases on my PC over the past 4 years, I was wondering what tools and programs you guys all use to search through them locally? I have several thousand files to search through, unfortunately standard commands are way too slow to check through them all...
  11. Ernestbok

    does any one have LuminosityLink Remote Access

    LuminosityLink Remote Access
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