Search results

  1. Ernestbok

    sites to help on reverse engineering journey

    a good site if u are a complete beginner is another source for reversing gives examples great site for assembly programming great...
  2. Ernestbok


    CheatSheet Planned ToDo's Useful Guides and Links Local Webserver Python PHP Ruby Useful Tools nmap gobuster wpscan CeWL enum4linux goofile searchsploit John The Ripper – JTR hydra...
  3. Ernestbok


    Advanced pentest Attached Files .pdf Advanced_Penetration_Testing_Complete_Module_4.pdf (Size: 40.2 KB / Downloads: 39)
  4. Ernestbok

    opsec guide 2022 limited edition

    Hidden Content never cross the hacker named "sleepthegod" he will end up hacking you. never use a vpn your home network is secure enough. make sure to tell your girlfriend everything you do online, so she can snitch on you and alert us of your epic opsec failure
  5. Ernestbok


    These are tips you here a lot when browsing forums like TMG or The Hub. But I feel it would be good to make a thread so new members can understand a bit of opsec and will not need to ask much questions. 1. Set security slide to safest. Disable javascript too at about:config, search...
  6. Ernestbok

    leaked hacking courses

    this course includes Network and Web Hacking Pentesting Routers Attacking SSH with Metasploit, Nmap, Medusa, Hydra, Ncrack SNMP attacks Bypassing Firewalls Payloads and Shells HTTP/HTTPS tunneling Port Forwaring, Pivoting, Reverse Connects Privilege Escalation and UAC bypass Hash...
  7. Ernestbok

    leaked Microsoft SQL server training course

    Hidden Content if it asks for password it is server_z
  8. Ernestbok

    leaked 2x money methods for 500$ a day

    ffs niggas reselling my shit now fuck it there u go, ENJOY
  9. Ernestbok

    intelx academia license with zero effort

    steps: 1. get vietnamese edu email (make sure tld ends with (doesnt have to be vietnamese btw but they are the easiest to find / jack) 2. sign up 3. click sign up link that was emailed to you 4. now you have the worlds shittiest analytical "databreach search engine" in the world's...
  10. Ernestbok

    insider threats This forum account is currently banned. Ban Length: (Permanent). Ban Reason: Spamming | Contact us via if you feel this is incorrect.
  11. Ernestbok

    i got free learning stuff! [Linux Books for beginners]

    [1] Kali Linux Reference Guide: A Pentester's Voyage Originally published: 15 October 2020 Author: Matthew Sheimo Hidden Content [2] LINUX FOR BEGINNERS How to Master the Linux Operating System andCommand...
  12. Ernestbok

    how to download from telegram ?

    how to download from telegram ?
  13. Ernestbok

    hacking course free Udemy hacking course
  14. Ernestbok

    google forms email sending method

    I've seen this being used on spam/phishing campaigns lately so I found out how it works The method does include having to solve the captcha (not sure about hq ip tho) so it doesn't fit my needs so ill share it with you all if you do it following these steps you should get an email from...
  15. Ernestbok

    excellent and inspiring reverse engineering course

    HELLO BF FAMILY I'M HERE WITH NEW SPECIAL TUTORIAL COURSE An excellent and inspiring reverse engineering course That name is: reversing hero More information from course copied and here: Quote: Learn Reverse Engineering ReversingHero is a Reverse Engineering self learning kit...
  16. Ernestbok


    Good evening everyone. So I have seen a lot of data-base shared here getting deleted and in this simple solution you probably will get better results. First off : Download your data-base to your local storage. Second: Using 7z or WinRAR compress it and put a random password, "More than 8...
  17. Ernestbok

    elastic search dump tutorial

    elastic search dump tutorial PocExploiter What is it about? - It is a manual process that will help you dump, you can use shodan, fofa, zoomeye of your choice but you can involve the necessary ports and filters that help you or facilitate the search. Filters /_search?q= It allows YOU...
  18. Ernestbok


    In this day and age, videos are scrubbed from the net so fast that it's becoming increasingly necessary to download/save them. Unfortunately with most large scale sites, it's not as simple as just finding an mp4 link and hitting CTRL+S to save it. In this thread, I'll share a few personal...
  19. Ernestbok

    couple of books. EPUB

    [Image: image.png] [Image: sesh.jpg] GHO$T
  20. Ernestbok

    couple books This forum account is currently banned. Ban Length: (Permanent). Ban Reason: Spamming | Contact us via if you feel this is incorrect.
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