Search results

  1. Ernestbok

    Acunetix 14.8.220606174 (WIN)

    VirusTotal - File - 2b66c78d498135fc4365912e9ee10b45ab54f1d8f53b7fe6e5fcbd1e47a92ecb Download - MEGA Crack - AnonFiles 1. Set in hosts ::1 ::1 ::1...
  2. Ernestbok

    SkyRat Release

    Something I have been working on and thought I should release. As of right now it has 0 detections. Have fun, I will probably update soon. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING ANYONE DOES WITH THIS oh and I'm working on a winsock2 tutorial to make malware like this on your own. I'll post that on...
  3. Ernestbok

    Burp Suite Professional v2022.3.3
  4. Ernestbok

    Hacking Metin2

    does anyone know common attacks in this game? like dll injection in the client or hacking databases?
  5. Ernestbok

    Help Bypass License HWID Locked

    [Image: Screenshot-1-1.png] How To Bypass HWID Locked License Bypass For Thanos Raas Builder ? This forum account is currently banned. Ban Length: (Permanent). Ban Reason: Leeching | Contact us via if you feel this is incorrect.
  6. Ernestbok

    [Request] Nessus Expert Crack needed

    Need Nessus Expert crack Thank you
  7. Ernestbok

    Download files from VirusTotal

    Download any file from VirusTotal. The service is provided free of charge. Password for all archives "infected" You can send your hash BB PM or join here and drop your hash -
  8. Ernestbok


    Burp_Suite_Pro_v2022.6.1 Hidden Content
  9. Ernestbok

    VMware Workstation Player v16.2.3

    VMware Workstation Player v16.2.3 Hidden Content
  10. Ernestbok

    hVNC Software

    Anyone know of any software that has hVNC capabilities? I am aware of options that require payment but I was looking for something that is free. My bad if this isn't in the right section
  11. Ernestbok

    Outlook 0day

    Step 1. Go to this page . Step 2. Enter the Target Email and enter the 6 characters you see. Step 3. Start Tamper Data Step 4. Delete Element "SendEmail_ContinueCmd" Step 5. change Element "V_previousForm" to "ResetOptionForm" Step 6. Change...
  12. Ernestbok

    VM Escape 0xDeadBeef

    void exploit() { static const uint8_t cdb[1] = {0}; static const short port = 0x434; static const uint32_t buffer_size = 1024; // reset the state machine __outbyte(port+3, 0); // initiate a write operation __outbyte(port+0, 0); // TargetDevice (0)...
  13. Ernestbok

    Phone carrier lookups php

    <?php // leave this blank - we may never implement an authentication key $smsarc_API_key = ''; // enter the user's 10 digit cell phone number. // example format: $smsarc_to = '5556667777'; $smsarc_number = '5192097991'; // lookup carrier $ch = curl_init()...
  14. Ernestbok

    Import & Export Wifi Password

    Import wifi password CD "%~dp0WIFI" for %%I in (*.xml) do netsh wlan add profile filename="%%~nxI" @echo off pause Export Wifi Password IF NOT EXIST "%~dp0%WIFI" MD "%~dp0WIFI" netsh wlan export profile folder="WIFI\." key=clear @echo off
  15. Ernestbok

    Xbox Live Multiplayer Session Writer Source

    original source here // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. #include...
  16. Ernestbok

    Screen Recording

    Hello, can anyone recommend the best software + software settings for screen recording I am looking for Good text readability and "ok" overall quality with around 25-30 FPS and 720p+ I don't mind waiting for encoding if it means I can achieve better quality, I don't care about file size I have...
  17. Ernestbok

    Reverse Engineering part one

    [Image: logo.png]...
  18. Ernestbok

    Google Chrome Silent Install

    @echo off ::pushd "%~dp0" SET "X86=%PROGRAMFILES%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" SET "X64=%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ::INFORME AQUI O CAMINHO DO INSTALADOR DO CHROME E A VERSAO SET "VERSAO=78" SET "ORIGEM=\\servidor\caminho\Chrome\googlechrome%VERSAO%.msi"...
  19. Ernestbok

    RedHat Linux Remote Data Extract

    PHP Code: #!/bin/bash # # $Id:,v 1.5 2002/08/17 15:04:49 kambiz Exp $ # set -e usage() { cat <<EOF [ options ] Valid options are: -h | --help This help -a | --arch The architecture to work with [ default i386 ] -d | --dest-dir The...
  20. Ernestbok Vuln

    Found by curl -u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc curl \ -u pk_live_CUQtlpQUF0vufWpnpUmQvcdi curl \ -u pk_live_CUQtlpQUF0vufWpnpUmQvcdi: # The colon prevents curl...
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