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  1. Spongebob

    Expert Linux Administration Guide

    [Image: OurkEzE.jpg] Expert Linux Administration Guide Download:
  2. Spongebob

    leaked 2x money methods for 500$ a day

    ffs niggas reselling my shit now fuck it there u go, ENJOY
  3. Spongebob

    Data protection laws in the world valid today.

    Hi, This post born as an idea from this thread To whom it may interest or need. Data protection laws in the world valid today: (Program say link valid only 14 days, sorry for this).
  4. Spongebob

    Suspicious login bypass (Request)

    Hello, Has anyone got an up to date method for bypassing the sus login on snapchat if you already have the correct login information? Thanks.
  5. Spongebob

    Little Black Book of Lockpicking

    [Image: 9CBlTfb.jpg] Little Black Book of Lockpicking: Lock opening and Bypass techniques for Security Professionals DOWNLOAD:
  6. Spongebob

    TYK cloud API management to hide your malicious C2 traffic

    Oh my API! TYK cloud API management to hide your malicious C2 traffic systemctl start breached
  7. Spongebob

    The DevOps Career Handbook

    [Image: iTbMHZq.jpg] The DevOps Career Handbook: The ultimate guide to pursuing a successful career in DevOps. Download: systemctl start breached
  8. Spongebob

    11 OpSec Tips

    1. Do not talk about Darkweb with anyone IRL - This should be common sense, yet a lot of people break this "rule". Loose lips, sink ships. 2. Not using 2FA or encryption - ALWAYS use 2FA whenever available for any login. Whenever making orders, please encrypt your address using local...
  9. Spongebob


    In this day and age, videos are scrubbed from the net so fast that it's becoming increasingly necessary to download/save them. Unfortunately with most large scale sites, it's not as simple as just finding an mp4 link and hitting CTRL+S to save it. In this thread, I'll share a few personal...
  10. Spongebob


    hese are tips you here a lot when browsing forums like TMG or The Hub. But I feel it would be good to make a thread so new members can understand a bit of opsec and will not need to ask much questions. 1. Set security slide to safest. Disable javascript too at about:config, search...
  11. Spongebob

    couple books
  12. Spongebob


    Good evening everyone. So I have seen a lot of data-base shared here getting deleted and in this simple solution you probably will get better results. First off : Download your data-base to your local storage. Second: Using 7z or WinRAR compress it and put a random password, "More than 8...
  13. Spongebob


    CheatSheet Planned ToDo's Useful Guides and Links Local Webserver Python PHP Ruby Useful Tools nmap gobuster wpscan CeWL enum4linux goofile searchsploit John The Ripper – JTR hydra radare2 Shells Set Listener Reverse Shell netcat Java PHP Bash Python Interactive Shell Bash Zsh Usefuls Scripts...
  14. Spongebob

    insider threats
  15. Spongebob

    Google Dorking

    Here's a bunch of links to Google Dorking methods/advice
  16. Spongebob

    CCNP Security Cisco Secure Firewall and Intrusion Prevention System

    [Image: Hujeie9.jpg] CCNP Security Cisco Secure Firewall and Intrusion Prevention System Download: systemctl start breached
  17. Spongebob

    Journalist privacy guide.

    Share for if is your interest.
  18. Spongebob

    Brain Computer Interface EEG Signal Processing [2023]

    [Image: SKttdHy.jpg] Electroencephalography, or EEG, is one of the best and oldest non-invasive neuro-scanning methods. The EEG is also the most preferred one of the foremost choices for doctors and surgeons for diagnosis of neuro- or brain-related ailments. LINK...
  19. Spongebob


    This a perfect way to get into selenium and brute forcing, modify my python script to your needs! Right now the code only accepts a combo list with [EMAIL:PASSWORD]... Go to: rmau2016/Instagram-selenium-bruteforcer: Instagram-selenium-bruteforcer uses python to login, comes with Socks5 support...
  20. Spongebob

    Hash Cleaner and Iterator

    # Hash Cleaner and Iterator This Python Script has three modes... rmau2016/Hash-Cleaner-Iterator: This Python Script will extract all Md5 hashes in a file of choice, just modify the script. ( ## Cleaner Mode: For r_file put in the database file location, for w_file put the directory...
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