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  1. Spongebob

    Infoga for OSINT, Email Address Tester

    GitHub - m4ll0k/Infoga: Infoga - Email OSINT Infoga is a tool gathering email accounts information (ip, hostname, country,..) from different public sources (search engines, pgp key servers and shodan) and checks if emails were leaked using API. INSTALLATION: git clone...
  2. Spongebob

    [Quick Tip] Splitting SQL into CSV

    Saw some people get confused with viewing SQL dump and I have small trick up the sleeves to help cat FILE.sql | dos2unix -f | gawk -f split.awk With the split.awk file being this only work with mysql
  3. Spongebob

    [PDF] Hacking APIs: Breaking Web Application Programming Interfaces

    Author: Corey J. Ball Expected on: july 5, 2022 Link: ~$ The Best Defence is attack ~$ GET Bread ~$ Exploit Bread TOX: B8D92B68D77498F372A3E4E8993C33B136C248A4E4600F811DAEFC1B02141C4119DE89DB1A92
  4. Spongebob

    Initial Access - Right-To-Left Override [T1036.002]

    You have probably heard that Microsoft will soon disable macros in the documents that are coming from the internet ( It got me thinking, what are the other alternatives to gain initial access to the target’s environment, what kind of...
  5. Spongebob

    The DNM Bible

    Hello BreachForums, Most of you might already know what the "DNM Bible" is, but for those who don't, It's basically an OPSEC guide targeted at darknet market users authored by Shakybeats on Dread. Whilst you don't have to be a "user" per se, it does cover some more general areas such as using...
  6. Spongebob

    [HEALTH] How to join a gym

    How to join a gym Guide written by spice [Image: 98a6a79a510595167d392966ce458f5b.jpg] Download link
  7. Spongebob

    Payloads All The Things

    A list of useful payloads and bypasses for Web Application Security.
  8. Spongebob

    How to search within the URL using Bing

    For those of you familiar with boolean operators and advanced search modifers in the likes of Google and Bing (I include Yahoo, Altavista, MSN and Live Search in this as they all run off Bing’s search engine as of last year); you will know that the extremely useful field command “inurl:” does...
  9. Spongebob

    Github program that cleans databases!

    rmau2016/Hash-Cleaner-Iterator: This Python Script will extract all Md5 hashes in a file of choice, just modify the script. ( Iterator Example>>> First File: [HASH:EMAIL] Second File: [HASH:PASS] We want [EMAIL:PASS]! So we write to a third file...
  10. Spongebob

    Exodus wallet hashcat cracking. support for seco files was added recently and is available in the current beta version. Beta version of hashcat mode -m 28200 | Exodus Desktop Wallet (scrypt) | Cryptocurrency Wallet Extract the hash from seed.seco...
  11. Spongebob

    How To Bypass Apps And Websites With A Spoof Number

    1 go to the Google play store 2 download a app called ping me 3 create account 4 buy 2$ In credits 5 click on the verification icon at the bottom 6 pick whatever app you wish to get a spoof number to bypass I use it on a daily for yahoo accounts enjoy
  12. Spongebob

    Username account lookup

    I don't know if anyone has posted this up but here's a site to look people up using there username enjoy
  13. Spongebob

    GitLab user enumeration - GraphQL

    Some GitLab instances have a public GraphQL endpoint, giving the possibility to enumerate users among other things. There is not much to add, it's simple; you can use Shodan or Google Dorks to find GitLab instances, then change the path to /-/graphql-explorer (e.g...
  14. Spongebob

    [2019] Go 101: a book focusing on Go syntax/semantics and all kinds of details [Image: sesh.jpg] GHO$T
  15. Spongebob

    Old Cracking Tutorials

    Found this onmy old drive Classic tutorials, quite old, maybe someone will find it interesting.
  16. Spongebob


    FREE LABS TO TEST YOUR PENTEST/CTF SKILLS · Academy Hackaflag BR - · Attack-Defense - · Alert to win - · CTF Komodo Security - · CMD Challenge -
  17. Spongebob

    LFi local file inclusion directory to look in

    LFi local file inclusion directory to look in one can insert file on server using this. any script with file from server can be vulnerable. we abuse the file location parameter etc/issue /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/hosts /etc/motd /etc/mysql/my.cnf /proc/[0-9]*/fd/[0-9]* (first...
  18. Spongebob

    How to travel the world for under 20 dollars

    Step 1. Obtain what's called a CREDIT CARD. These are available on various marketplaces, perhaps even this forum! Step 2. (without a proxy unless it's residential) Book a flight (no return) and hotel directly. Has to be for the next day. Use your real information, phone, and email. Step 3...
  19. Spongebob

    Guide to having fun online (anti dox)

    GUIDE TO HAVING FUN ONLINE This is not a guide on OPSec or anything related and is more guided towards avoiding attribution by a doxing; if the FBI is after you please seek a ticket to any country that dislikes the U.S openly. VPN To have fun online, you need to mask your IP address so that...
  20. Spongebob

    EXIF Stripping

    EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) Data is something not a lot of people know about but should. This form of data is embedded in pictures and in some cases other files. This has in previous cases have revealed identities of people who did not want their identities revealed. If you are taking...
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