Search results

  1. GunPh@ne

    Completed this GunPh@ne 1.3227 btc

    SHIPPED. I'll give you the tracking number soon. I think that on Monday i will have it
  2. GunPh@ne

    Completed this GunPh@ne 1.3227 btc

    Hello. Please give me your name, country, city, address and zip code again to shipp..
  3. GunPh@ne

    Completed GunPh@ne deal

    SHIPPED! I've sent you the tracking number. Please reply here once you receive the package. The tracking number can be checked here: Thanks :fum:
  4. GunPh@ne

    Completed 0.76 btc Goreny deal

    Hello. The tracking number was send on 08.12.2014... 2 days ago. @breaq please confirm man.
  5. GunPh@ne

    Completed Goreny 3.11551 btc sent

    Shipped. Tracking numer sent
  6. GunPh@ne

    Completed Goreny 3.11551 btc sent

    Confirm the deal Please wait till escrow confirm your transaction and I'll shipp the iphones. I got your details.
  7. GunPh@ne

    Completed 0.76 btc Goreny deal

    Confim the deal. Please wait till escrow confirm the payment and i will shipp. I saved your details.
  8. GunPh@ne

    Completed Goreny 3.115 btc for iphone 6 gold

    Shipped. You cna check the tracking number now. Let me know once you receive the pack.
  9. GunPh@ne

    Completed Goreny 3.08 btc

    Shipped bro. i've sent the tracking number you can check it here:
  10. GunPh@ne

    Completed 8.6783 BTC ~Goreny~ deal.

    Shipped bro. I've sent you the tracking number. You can check it here: Please confirm once you receive the package
  11. GunPh@ne

    Completed 8.6783 BTC ~Goreny~ deal.

    Confirm the deal. Once escrow confirm your payment, I'll shipp and you will have the tracking number. The package you will receive in 3-6 days
  12. GunPh@ne

    Completed 263 LTC sent to escrow for Goreny

    Shipped. Tracking number sent. please rpely here once you receive the pack.
  13. GunPh@ne

    Completed 2.27790945 BTC Goreny deal

    Shipped Tracking number sent. Please reply here once you receive the pack.
  14. GunPh@ne

    Completed 56.7 BTC sent to escrow [$ 18,799.67] = Goreny deal

    Shipped. Tracking number sent. PLease let me know when you received the pack. Thanks.
  15. GunPh@ne

    Completed New Goreny deal 3.6569 BTC

    Shipped 3 days ago. Please confrim when you receive it.
  16. GunPh@ne

    Completed 7.18 BTC - Goreny deal.

    Shipped. Tracking number sent. PLease confirm once you receive the package
  17. GunPh@ne

    Completed 7.18 BTC - Goreny deal.

    Confirm the deal. I need escrow confirmation to shipp for you. @Escrow, you confirm his payment?
  18. GunPh@ne

    Completed .7801 BTC sent for iPhone 6 Plus 64GB

    Shipped. Tracking number sent. Please check your PM and reply here onc eyou receive.
  19. GunPh@ne

    Completed Deal for iphone 6 plus

    Shipped. Tracking number sent.
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