Search results

  1. GunPh@ne

    Kali Linux | Hacking IE8 for Root Access | Similar to exploit kit

    We are going to search for a windows exploit in metasploit! TERMINAL COMMANDS IN LIGHT GREEN FOR ANYONE WHO DOSN'T KNOW Step 1: Find the Exploit msf> search type:exploit platform:windows unsafe This will bring up a long list of exploits we are gonna choose...
  2. GunPh@ne

    How to Track an IP with Email Adress

    step 1: know what is your victim email id. For eg: victimid[@] step 2: Register an account here: step 3: send mail to victim using your mail account. Before sending mail append "" at end of victim mail ID. For eg...
  3. GunPh@ne

    Kali Linux | Creating Wordlists/Passwordlists wit CeWL from URL

    Creating Worldlist/Passwordlist from URL with CeWL This will generate a wordlist/Passwordlist from our target URL (EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES, USE YOUR OWN URL) CeWL sticks to the site you have specified and will go to a depth of 2 links, this can be changed by giving other arguments. Be careful when...
  4. GunPh@ne

    Hack a Gmail Account Easily. [Guaranteed]

    Okay I will make the Tutorial Short and Clear. For this I'll Explain you STEP by STEP. -Go to Youtube -Search "Runescape Hacker" or "Runescape Hacker Download Link" -Find the Download Link (They are usually in the comments Section.) -Download the Runescape Hacker Tool. -Don't open the...
  5. GunPh@ne

    Microsoft .DOC Exploit

    So with this you can make a .doc file that when opened will display a normal word document while at the same time downloading your .exe and running it silently without the users knowledge. I'm not sure which version this is working on specifically but I believe it's from 2010 and on. This does...
  6. GunPh@ne

    [TUT]How to Setup uBot HTTP Bot[TUT][+Download]

    *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  7. GunPh@ne

    Obtaining a persons IP via Facebook.

    This is pretty simple, some of you may already know of this method, this is for those of you that do not. Facebook provides each of us with a unique email address, for instance [email protected], it will depend on your username, but it will have appended to it. Your desired...
  8. GunPh@ne

    How to Spread Bots/Rats

    When it comes too spreading your bot's and your rats, it can be quite easy or challenging for the average retard. What people do no understand is that spreading is very easy depending on the way that you do it. Below, is a FEW methods on how to spread. ----/--- Methods ----/--- Torrents: A...
  9. GunPh@ne

    [TUT] Send Anonymous SMS / FLASH SMS via iPhone Cydia

    Recently i fun this cool application i want to share! its a way to send anonymous message too other people. Only tested on Iphone, and it work great. tweek used on IPHONE 4. So as i know, The tweek only work on Iphone 4 i think. But you can send to other iphones. NEED JAILBREAK, AND I GOT...
  10. GunPh@ne

    [TUTORIAL] Hack or crash windows 7 with a simple shortcut file! [TUTORIAL]

    In this tutorial, I will show you how to use a simple shortcut file to crack a windows 7 computer. Windows 7 is now the most popular OS for desktop and laptop computers, especially now that XP is no longer going to be supported by Microsoft. Cracking into a computer can be useful for a number...
  11. GunPh@ne

    How to find a WiFi password from CMD.

    So today I came past a neat little trick I used to use in Computer Stores when I wanted the WiFi password to the companies connection. Computer companies always disable the Network & Sharing center so that you can't look into the properties of a connection and get the password from the...
  12. GunPh@ne

    Completed iphone6+ deal with Goreny

    SHIPPED 1 DAY AGO! Tracking Sent.
  13. GunPh@ne

    Completed iphone6+ deal with Goreny

    Deal Confirmed.
  14. GunPh@ne

    Completed iPhone 6 deal

    Item SHIPPED Directly from wait 1-2 Days to receive.
  15. GunPh@ne

    Completed iPhone 6 deal

    Deal confirmed, Escrow do you confirm the Payment?
  16. GunPh@ne

    Completed Deal with Goreny for 3 iPhone 6 Plus - 2 gold and 1 silver

    SHIPPED 1 hour ago... [tracking number] sent to you.
  17. GunPh@ne

    Completed Deal with Goreny for 3 iPhone 6 Plus - 2 gold and 1 silver

    Deal confirmed. @Escrow do you Confirm?
  18. GunPh@ne

    Completed Deal with Goreny - 8 units Samsung Galaxy 3 Note

    ITEMS SHIPPED! Check your PM i send you the Tracking Number.
  19. GunPh@ne

    Completed Deal with Goreny - 8 units Samsung Galaxy 3 Note

    @Avoidme Please send me you'r Shipping Address.
  20. GunPh@ne

    Completed Deal with Goreny - 8 units Samsung Galaxy 3 Note

    I confirm the DEAL. @Escrow do you Confirm?
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