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  1. Prince

    Roses are #f00, violets are #00f. This witty code is a boffinry breakthrough

    What do you call a computer program that uses big data to write jokes? Basic, judging by the list of groan-worthy gags generated by this new wisecracking software. Eggheads at the University of Edinburgh have developed code dedicated to spitting out quips along the lines of: "I like my men like...
  2. Prince

    Posh potty owners flushed by dodgy Bluetooth password

    A high-tech toilet that takes care of everything except wiping its owner has been left wide open to attackers thanks to a basic security flaw. The Satis toilet, a $5,686 (£3,821) appliance built by Japanese (of course) manufacturer Lixil, is designed to open itself when the owner approaches...
  3. Prince

    Bad timing: New HTML5 trickery lets hackers silently spy on browsers

    New time-measuring features in HTML5 can be exploited by malicious websites to illicitly peek at pages open on a victim's browser, it is claimed. Security researchers at Context Information Security have figured out how to precisely observe the speed at which CSS and SVG graphics are drawn on...
  4. Prince

    Earn £8,000 a MONTH with bogus apps from Russian malware factories

    Just 10 professionally run malware-making workshops in Russia are responsible for 30 per cent of the Trojans, spyware and other nasties infecting smartphones globally. That's according to a study by mobile security outfit Lookout. These underground crime labs churn out DIY kits ideal for...
  5. Prince

    Lumpy milk and exploding yoghurt? Your fridge could be riddled with MALWARE

    Antivirus guru AVG is preparing for a future where even fridges and freezers are targeted by malware, the firm's chief operating officer has said. In an interview with El Reg, John Giamatteo said AVG was keeping an open mind about where the next big malware threats were going to come from. It...
  6. Prince

    Upgraded 3D printed rifle shoots 14 times before breaking

    Get ready for another wave of debate on weaponised 3D printers, because the Canadian behind a one-shot-and-it's-dead 3D printed rifle has come back with a weapon that doesn't break when used. The Canadian in question is known only as Matthew and posts videos of his creation on a YouTube channel...
  7. Prince

    Tor servers vanish as FBI swoops on kiddie-smut suspect

    Network anonymisation outfit TOR has posted a fascinating piece of commentary on reports that some of the anonymous servers it routes to have disappeared from its network. “Around midnight on August 4th we were notified by a few people that a large number of hidden service addresses have...
  8. Prince

    Crypters Online List

    1. Crypo 2. Text to Hex Converter Text2Hex 3. Binary to Ascii Text Converter 4. MD5 Decrypt Update list...
  9. Prince

    Addictedd2Hash & Other Hashcat Bash Scripts

    These are a few scripts I whipped up in order to make better use of my time when trying to prep and attack large bulk hash lists. They are based on my understanding of the Hashcat wiki pages and some very basic analysis done with PACK tool kit, but in no way affiliated with the actual Hashcat...
  10. Prince

    [Guide] : Cracking Hashes

    Web-based Crackers Popular Cracking Programs ----------------------- Hash Cat GUI ----------------------- Download : -----------------------...
  11. Prince

    A Whole Lotta Passwords

    It seems that every time the topic of password cracking comes up, there is a question that quickly follows: “do you have a dictionary?” There are a number of websites that maintain lists of default passwords for equipment. Two that seem to receive a bit of attention are SearchLores and Liquid...
  12. Prince

    Hash Identifying

    MD5: LENGTH: 32 Chars or 16 Bytes Example: c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b MD5 (*nix) : LENGTH: 34 Chars Example: $1$12345678$XM4P3PrKBgKNnTaqG9P0T/ MD5(APR) : LENGTH: 37 Chars Example: $apr1$12345678$auQSX8Mvzt.tdBi4y6Xgj. MD5(PHPBB3) : LENGTH: 34 Chars Example...
  13. Prince

    Create Best Wordlists Covering all Combos

    [0x01] Maskprocessor?? Maskprocessor is a high performance word generator with a per-position configurable charset into a stand-alone binary. Maskprocessor is used to create the greatest wordlists in a very quick amount of time. It can create wordlist with every combination of 5 characters in...
  14. Prince

    [Word List] Hash cracking

    Hey guys, I have came across a topic on a website (will be listed below) for the largest wordlist, conpressed 4.19 GIGS Decompressed 15 gigs. I have to say this is impressive, The most word list i ever has was a 3mb text, so this is no match for mine. xD Download ...
  15. Prince

    How To Hack A Skype Acoount [Very Easy!]

    What we will need! [Will be showing you how to get them as well) 1. First and last name or just the first name. 2. DOB (date of birth) 3. Email (very easy to get) 4. Country where skype it was created (ex: us , canada , uk) 5. Year skype was created. Now lets get all those steps! 1. You can ask...
  16. Prince

    Creating A Java Drive-by [FUD]

    Step 1: Download all the files. Step 2 1/3: If you stole or made your own HTML code for the website, paste the HTML code BELOW the existing code in the index.html of the first folder. It should look like this: Step 2 2/3: If you used the template, take the java.jar, java.png and load.gif and...
  17. Prince


    1.) Open GoogleChrome and access 3.) Click one of many seach results if there are more than one result (oftenly the newest) In this case i chose the newest. "Visual Studio 2012" Then it will appear like this What the hell? There is a survey? The survey must be have...
  18. Prince


    1.) Open Google 2.) Type this dork and start searching Quote , we can see the search results must be from many countries around the world 3.) choose any of them 4.) And walaaa, you will get the CCTV control panel full access!! I think I get some good moment here
  19. Prince

    [How to] Hijack a skype account

    1. Go to this site and put your name as the victim's skype name, then put a random email that you have as your email. 2. Then they will speak to you what...
  20. Prince

    [Tutorial] XML Sitemap

    What's XML Sitemap? As the name suggests, XML sitemap is an XML document that contains a list of all URL address that exist on your domain. This helps search engine crawlers/spiders to properly index the entire content of your website. As well as that every address in the map of the site...
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