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  1. Prince

    Networking All-In-One For Dummies V413HAV

    Title : Networking All-In-One For Dummies V413HAV File : .zip Published : 2013 Author : Doug Lowe Networking All-in-One For Dummies, 5th Edition, is intended to be a reference for all the great things (and maybe a few not-so-great things) that you may need to know when you’re setting up...
  2. Prince

    eBook - PDF_ Linux Administrators Security Guide

    By Kurt Seifried Created in 1999 Title : Linux Administrators Security Guide Table of contents Download :
  3. Prince

    Free eboks dump

    guys duno if a thread like this exists or not but im thinking about making a thread where you guys post WHAT EVER you "think" is a good URL with alot of juicy information ill start:
  4. Prince

    Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing

    share this ebook Backtrack Wireless Penetration Testing. Table of Content:Preface Chapter 1: Wireless Lab Setup Chapter 2: WLAN and Its Inherent Insecurities Chapter 3: Bypassing WLAN Authentication Chapter 4: WLAN Encryption Flaws Chapter 5: Attacks on the WLAN Infrastructure Chapter 6...
  5. Prince

    The Rootkit Arsenal: Escape and Evasion in the Dark Corners of the System

  6. Prince

    Ninja Hacking: Unconventional Penetration Testing Tactics and Techniques

    Format PDF: 376 pages Publisher: Syngress; 1 edition (September 24, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1597495883 Description Book: Ever thought of using the time-tested tactics and techniques of the ancient ninja to understand the mind of today’s ninja, the hacker? As a penetration tester or...
  7. Prince

    The Database Hacker's Handbook: Defending Database Servers Book

    Databases are the nerve center of our economy. Every piece of your personal information is stored there-medical records, bank accounts, employment history, pensions, car registrations, even your children's grades and what groceries you buy. Database attacks are potentially crippling-and...
  8. Prince

    Nmap Cookbook. The Fat-free Guide to Network Scanning (2010)

    --------------------------------------- http://www.datafileh...d-3ca98045.html ---------------------------------------
  9. Prince

    [Leak] Ebook Collection

    A Byte of Python V1.2 (for Python 2.X) A Byte of Python V1.92 (for Python 3.0) A Learner's Guide to Programming Using the Python Language A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python Beginning Python- From Novice to Professional, Second Editon Beginning Python- Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1...
  10. Prince

    The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense

    Peter Szor takes you behind the scenes of anti-virus research, showing how they are analyzed, how they spread, and--most importantly--how to effectively defend against them. This book offers an encyclopedic treatment of the computer virus, including: a history of computer viruses, virus...
  11. Prince

    Ultimate Ebook on SQL injection

    Contains : Finding out if your target is vulnerable. Exploiting a simple SQL vulnerability. What sign to use? String Based SQL Injection User agent based SQL Injection Waf & Waf Bypassing Error based SQL Injection SQL column truncation injection. Blind based SQL Injection. Bypassing logins MsSQL...
  12. Prince

    Spreading Guide

    ------------------------------------------------------------ I find some ebook trying to upload and share it . http://www.mediafire...ay2ozbugzola66c ------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Prince

    Virtualization and Forensic

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  14. Prince

    E-mail security: A pocket guide

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  15. Prince

    Cross Site Scripting Attack and Defense Guide

    Summary: What is XSS ? Code a XSS vulnerability Make a cookie grabber Securing XSS Deface Methods Filteration Bypassing Flash attak XSS upload phishing XSS
  16. Prince

    Burp Suite Starter

    Burp Suite Starter ebook: What you will learn from this book:Set up your browser and Burp Suite Intercepting, inspecting, and modifying web traffic between your client and the server Using the Burp Target site map functionality Crawling a web application and discovering resources with Burp...
  17. Prince

    The Clickjacking meets XSS: a state of art

    0x01: Introduction 0x02: What is the Problem 0x03: Javascript always loves us \_ 0x03a: Cursor tracking \_ 0x03b: Graphic overlaying 0x04: XSS done! 0x05: Conclusions
  18. Prince

    Image Authentication Injection Paper + PoC

    Image Authentication Injection is a technique that is often overlooked, however, when implemented correctly you can create a very effective phishing system or even a worm (unlike an XSS worm however you can't run client sided scripts on the victims computer, you would simply edit their profile...
  19. Prince

    XSS Street-Fight: The Only Rule Is There Are No Rules

    • XSS Intro • What is it? • Real-world compromise of • XSS Remediation • Strategic vs. Tactical • When you can’t fix the code • XSS Street-Fight • Input Validation − Whitelist Filtering − Blacklist Filtering − Generic Attack Payload Detection • Identify Output...
  20. Prince

    Botnets - The Killer Web Applications
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