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  1. Prince

    Ardamax Keylogger 4.0.2 + Key 2013 Latest

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  2. Prince

    TDS 2.0 MOD JackSoft

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  3. Prince

    [Python]Apollo Scanner

    A scanner written in python, can dork for SQLI, LFI,XSS,RFI vulns and perform other scans. - Python Vulnerability Scanner V1 - Written by Sotd -!/Sotd_ Usage: python #!/usr/bin/env python """ - Python Vulnerability Scanner V1 - Written by Sotd -...
  4. Prince

    PineApp Mail-SeCure ldapsyncnow.php Arbitrary Command Execution

    ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 <...
  5. Prince

    PineApp Mail-SeCure test_li_connection.php Arbitrary Command Execution

    ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 <...
  6. Prince

    D-Link DIR-645 Buffer Overflow / Cross Site Scripting

    D-Link DIR-645 devices suffer from buffer overflow and cross site scripting vulnerabilities.
  7. Prince

    Hack Websites Using Havij [SQL Injection Tutorial]

    According to a survey the most common technique of hacking a website is SQL Injection. SQL Injection is a technique in which hacker insert SQL codes into web Forum to get Sensitive Information like (User Name , Passwords) to access the site and Deface it. The traditional SQL injection method is...
  8. Prince


    # Author: Syckchet
  9. Prince

    Recursive Subroutine permute | Basic Permutations

    Simple Perl Script: #!/usr/bin/perl -w permut([@ARGV], []); sub permut { my @items = @{ $_[0] }; my @perms = @{ $_[1] }; unless (@items) { print "@perms\n"; } else { my (@newitems, @newperms, $i); foreach $i (0 .. $#items) { @newitems = @items...
  10. Prince

    [ REFERENCE ] Online Ruby Regex Helper

    This site is a life saver for me, so thought I would share for anyone else interested in developing things in Ruby which requires tricky REGEX to be used. This site has an online tool which helps you to develop the required REGEX to get the job done. You can provide your string (whole page...
  11. Prince

    Simple Port Scanner

    Not much coding involved. Enjoy #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' $addrs = [''] $ports = 1..1000 def scan_port(ip, port) http = EventMachine::Protocols::TcpConnectTester.test(ip, port) http.callback do |response| puts "SUCCESS...
  12. Prince

    Metaprogramming Ruby: Program Like the Ruby M33

  13. Prince

    [Ruby] "Command shell"

    #!/usr/bin/env ruby #---------------------------------------------------- # Priv8 ruby commands shell & symlink =O #---------------------------------------------------- # But in ur commands in cmd =) # And edite the file to symlink it =) #---------------------------------------------------- #...
  14. Prince

    [Ruby] Php infector

    so i was learning how to make virus in ruby but i ended up php files infector(spreader). basicly it search in every file it has with in same directory, check if its infected or not, then it infects it other words it just add PHP backdoor at the end of the file #!/usr/bin/ruby # # FILE INFECTOR...
  15. Prince

    Literals syntax

    found something nice that shows what u can do with strings and stuff
  16. Prince

    [Ruby] Decent format Mysql table output

    Since you all lazy niggers wont bother to do my chellange so u just learn the hard way, ill just spoon feed ur ass require 'mysql' ################################## # Formated table output by m00dy # ################################## print "\n +---------------------------------+" print "\n...
  17. Prince

    [Ruby] SQLI scanner

    require 'net/http' require 'colorize' MYSQLREG = /error in your SQL syntax|mysql_fetch_array|execute query|mysql_fetch_object|mysql_num_rows|mysql_fetch_assoc|mysql_fetch_row|SELECT * FROM|supplied argument is not a valid MySQL|Syntax error|Fatal error|Unknown column/i host = '' SCRIPT =...
  18. Prince

    Ruby Variables, Constants and Literals

    Ruby Variables Variables are the memory locations which holds any data to be used by any program. There are five types of variables supported by Ruby. You already have gone through a small description of these variables in previous chapter as well. These five types of variables are explained in...
  19. Prince

    Java WebLessons

    This is an online textbook that will be your best friend. I've been learning Java for about 6 weeks, and this is just the best tool to use. Enclosed in the compressed file are folders that contain HTML files and images. This downloadable website provides tutorials, lessons, and 'assignments'...
  20. Prince

    Introduction to Java-OOP

    How to run Java. In order to write Java code, it is suggested that you download a Java IDE(Integrated Development Environment). I suggest the following: Netbeans: jCreator: Of course, there are a lot of other great options...
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