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  1. Prince

    Trawling for Tor Hidden Services

    Tor is the most popular volunteer-based anonymity network consisting of over 3000 volunteer-operated relays. Apart from making connections to servers hard to trace to their origin it can also provide receiver privacy for Internet services through a feature called “hidden services”. In this...
  2. Prince

    A Useful Python Reference

    Last year I took an Intro to Computer class. We learned and programmed Python. This is kind of like an online textbook of all things related to Python. If I was stuck on something, I just popped this open and found the answer. Let me know what you guys think...
  3. Prince

    [Python]Port Scanner[Code]

    A simple port scanner is made to help all Python's newcomersUPDATED #!/usr/bin/env python import httplib admins_paths =...
  4. Prince

    Doing things more efficient and keeping your code clean!

    After my recent rant on using some improper coding and using excessive codes when it's not really needed, I've decided to show some you guys a few tips and tricks for making some more efficient and cleaner code. For this tutorial I will be...
  5. Prince

    Using Tkinter and py2exe to create a GUI executable

    Important links py2exe - Tkinter modules - python - After a recent request from bakie. I will be explaining how to create a graphical interface along with giving it .exe file format. Now to do this...
  6. Prince

    [Tutorial]Using urllib in python

    What is urllib?: This allows you to interact and basically use python as a web browser. It can do almost everything you can do on the web browser but it's done without a GUI and through the python shell. With this you can do things likeRead html source code Perform browser based actions Insert...
  7. Prince

    Joomla Sql Injection Scanner v 1.0

    import sys,os, re, urllib2, socket print "\t\n Joomla Sql Injection Scanner v 1.0 \n" print "\t beenudel1986[at]gmail[dot]com" if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "\nUsage: ./ <joomla site>" print "Ex: ./\n" sys.exit(1) paths =...
  8. Prince

    Python Cheatsheet

  9. Prince

    Python Resources

    Python Resources This is the collection of python related things for study Me & my little bro did this [0x0 Sites] (Official Python Website) (html ebook) (Learn Python Easy way)...
  10. Prince

    Php Ip Blocker (Kind Of)

    I Made This Yesterday, I tested it & it works. To edit the script, you have to basically know php. Heres the script: <body bgcolor="black"> <font color="white"> <b> <center> <?php $site = "Website"; //Enter Your Website Name Here $error = " Your IP Is Banned, or you're using a VPN or proxy."...
  11. Prince

    Just put together a simple mail bomber.

  12. Prince

    Programming and Problem Solving in PHP Tutorial #2: Conditional Basics

    The first thing to notice is that in the last tutorial the code had a lot of semi-colons ";" this is a symbol used by the interpreter to determine where the end of each command is. Generally speaking(although there are exceptions which we will touch on) every line should end with a semi-colon...
  13. Prince

    Programming and Problem Solving in PHP Tutorial #1: Introduction to Programming and P

    Programming and Problem Solving "computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes." -Edsger W. Dijkstra Hey Everyone, welcome to my first tutorial on Programming and Problem solving. The purpose of this tutorial is to break the ice and provide an introduction to...
  14. Prince

    Web Scraper

    Heres a class for a php/curl web scraper I've written. It comes complete with parsing routines that have been adapted from Michael Schrenks "Web Bots Spiders and Screen Scrapers" Recently I made some changes to it to ensure proxy support, HTTP proxy support is tested and working, socks SHOULD be...
  15. Prince

    Tutorial: Writing Web Bots and Scrapers Simple subreddit scraper

    Hey guys, This is my first tutorial on writing web bots and scrapers! Today we'll be writing a basic bot that runs from command line, it accepts one parameter(a subreddit) and scrapes the frontpage of that subreddit posting all of the Post Titles and the Links to those posts. We'll be working...
  16. Prince

    SQL Google Priv9 Scanner PHP Script

    Posted 02 February 2013 - 04:05 AM <html> <head> <title>Scanner</title> </head> <body> <?php echo "<center>"; echo "<form action='' method='post'>"; echo "<b>Dork</b>: <p><input type='text' name='dork' value='inurl:site.php?id='></p>"; echo "<input type='submit' value='...
  17. Prince

    Joomla Token Scaner

    <?php /* PHP 5 Joomla Token Tarayıcı */ ob_start(); error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); if (!extension_loaded(curl)){die("<b>Curl Not Supported Please Curl Library Upload</b>");} echo'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"...
  18. Prince

    Cpanel Cracker

    <?php $cpanel_port="2082"; $connect_timeout=5; set_time_limit(0); $submit=$_REQUEST['submit']; $users=$_REQUEST['users']; $pass=$_REQUEST['passwords']; $target=$_REQUEST['target']; $cracktype=$_REQUEST['cracktype']; if($target == ""){ $target = "localhost"; } ?> <html> <head> <meta...
  19. Prince

    [PHP] Download config File Killer and Mannu Shell (updated Version) Coded By Team Ind

    Configration File Killer Latest Fuctions : Genrate php.ini Mannual Symlinking Automated Mass Symlink perl Based Symlink </p> <?php $head = ' <html> <head> </script> <title>--==[[MANNU SHELL By Team IndiShell]]==--</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">...
  20. Prince

    PHP:OOP - Magic Methods [Tutorial]

    Introduction: To begin with, magic methods most basically said represent functions (or better know as methods) that are executing automatically under certain circumstances. The idea is that you define their usage in the code and they are also never directly called meaning that they run...
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