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  1. Prince

    PHP:OOP - Serialization of Objects & Variable Variables [Tutorial]

    Posted Image Posted Image Introduction: First off - serialization. Serialization is the conversion of objects or pieces of data into a format that is handling their type and structure and is being stored temporarily so as to called later on in the php code. Whenever the execution of the php...
  2. Prince

    Basics of Command Line PHP

    Hey guys this is a brief tutorial on some of the things you may face in writing command line php scripts. It covers some of the simpler things like obtaining user input as well as basic file processing, we'll finish up by creating a very simple pseudo interactive interpreter in php. Output: If...
  3. Prince

    Creating a cURL webBot class in PHP from Scratch

    What we're going to do is create a class to use to instantiate an instance of a web bot capable of making POST and GET requests and returning the output, it will also include several subroutines for parsing the data provided from Michael Schrenks book 'Webbots Spiders and Screenscrapers' The bot...
  4. Prince

    ►► Python For Loops: ◄◄

    [0x01] Python For Loop: For loops are traditionally used when you have a piece of code which you want to repeat n number of times. The for loop can iterate over items of any sequence, such as list, commands, strings, and integers. This being said loops have great power and can save developers...
  5. Prince

    Chp:->2 Python <-> More Python

    Chapter -- > 2 :~# More python #2.1 --|Numbers|-- Python is just like powerful language such as C and java, supports 3 data types for scientific calculations. The three DATA TYPES are : 1. Integer 2. String 3. Boolean +================================================================+ #2.2...
  6. Prince

    Chp:->1 Python <-> Absolute Beginning

    Chapter -1 Introduction to Python Absolute Beginning( 0x00)Python Installation To install python, you need to download latest version of python from The download list contains respective installer for cross platforms. Windows -> .msi *nix -> .tar.gz Mac -> .dmg After...
  7. Prince

    ►► Bit Manipulations ◄◄

    [0x01] Bit Manipulation: Bit manipulation is the act of algorithmically manipulating bits or other pieces of data shorter than a word or string. Programming tasks that require bit manipulation include low-level device control. error detection and correction algorithms, data compression...
  8. Prince

    Chp:->3 Python <-> String Manipulation

    Chapter -3 :> String Manipulation Now, we are going to talk about String Manipulation. In most Programming languages, basic part is how we can print strings, which is fundamental and important part. Ok, let’s see Open up python shell >>> 'Hello,Guys''Hello,Guys' Python will show up that...
  9. Prince

    Introduction to Python

    Today I'll be doing a basic introduction to programming with Python. Well briefly go over some of the syntax differences between python and other languages that you may be more familiar with. After that Ill go over Modules which are pythons built in libraries that you can utilise. Once we have...
  10. Prince

    Anonymity Paper[Updated]

      "Security is just an illusion" Table Of Contents ------------------ 0x00- Introduction 0x01- Linux -Vs- Windows 0x02- Encryption & Secure Communications 0x03- Hiding Your IP 0x04- Your Browser -Vs- You 0x05- DNS & Wifi (Short) 0x06- Conclusion ------------------ [0x00]- Introduction   ...
  11. Prince

    Comparison of Anonymity Networks

    The Comparison of Anonymity Networks This thread is meant to be a comparison of various anonymity networks (Tor, I2P, etc) and help people decide on which to use.Tor --What is Tor? Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on...
  12. Prince

    [tutorial] How to hide your IP on skype from resolvers

    Hey guy's today I'll be showing you how to protect your IP from skype resolver's yes this is easy but hey, maybe someone needs this :). Method 1: Change Proxy settings Method 2: Use Website Method 1: Step 1: login skype via your skype client Step 2: Click on tools Step 3: Select...
  13. Prince

    Gerix-wifi-cracker tutorial

    Tutorial on WEP wifi cracking using Gerix-wifi-cracker in Backtrack 5 and 5r1. All words in [ ] are either tabs or buttons we will use in gerix. First off go to applications> exploitation tools> wireless exploitation> WLAN exploitation> gerix-wifi-cracker-ng. Once gerix opens, go to the...
  14. Prince

    Change Your Ip To Any Country In Just A Second Without The Need Of Anything

    So First What We Have To Do Is To Download Mozilla Firefox!! You Can Download By Yourself Or Search On This Site: Now When You Have installed Mozilla Firefox Go To And Search For AnonymoX Add Ons Now Download This Add-ons And You Will Found various...
  15. Prince

    Bypass Mobile Number Verification

    First of all , Visit this website. In that website You can find some numbers. Choose one number & click it. Then Copy that mobile number & put that mobile number wherever verification code asks !! Finally , u will receive verification code in that website.. Thats...
  16. Prince

    [Tutorial] : Full Path Disclosure (+Updated)

    Full Path Disclosure, also known as FPD. Is a 'vuln' that pretty much does what it says. Shows the Full Path of the website. Now FPD cant really be 'exploited' but with other vulns can help you further exploit the website. For example FPD would be useful for the INTO OUTFILE statements when...
  17. Prince

    [Tutorial]►_UPLOAD YOUR SHELL TO JOOMLA WEBSITES_[ w/ Screenshots ]

    TUTORIAL : 1 / Login to the Admin Panel : 2 / Locate " Template Manager" in "Extention" and click on any template you want.  I choose "beez" For an exemple. 3 / Now click on "Edit HTML" . The Template must be writable. 4/ Next exit the text and paste...
  18. Prince

    [Tutorial-Sharing]Wordpress BrutForce tool [Tutorial-Saring]

    introduction : what is brutforce Brute force (also known as brute force cracking) is a trial and error method used by application programs to decode encrypted data such as passwords or Data Encryption Standard (DES) keys, through exhaustive effort (using brute force) rather than employing...
  19. Prince

    Basic Anti-Debugging in C++

    I am going to share a simple method for detecting whether your program (it may be viral code as well) is being debugged. Anti-debugging is an essential trick for survival of your malicious code. Windows API provides a simple function isDebuggerPresent() but it can be bypassed too easily, and...
  20. Prince

    Opera 12.15 Denial Of Service

    Opera 12.15 memory exhaustion denial of service proof of concept exploit. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title> Opera 12.15 DOS POC</title> </head> <body> <iframe id="wnd"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> /*...
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