Search results

  1. Ernestbok

    Quasar (RAT) .NET tool

    Found that RAT tool on my favorite language c# Cool . I'll research how is made by decompiling it for education. Hidden Content
  2. Ernestbok

    Database software system?

    Wants to index different databases (to be able to search faster and smoother, possibly with something of a web interface.) csv/json files etc etc... Are there people who have a system up and running, and can/want to give some feedback about the technical aspect, and user convenience?
  3. Ernestbok

    Jira-Lens vulnerability Scanner

    [Image: 141689309-961fa172-5c15-4476-bd84-1c80899a98dc.png] Hidden Content -Clone this Repo Using git clone -Complete the setup using python3 install -python3 -u {URL}
  4. Ernestbok


    [Image: Windows-11-Pro-22-H2-Build-22623-730.png] No TPM Required | En-US | PreActivated | 64bit | September 2022 Windows 11 Pro 22H2 Build 22623.730 (Non-TPM) (x64) En-US Pre-Activated [FTUApps] Windows 11 is a series of personal computer operating systems produced by Microsoft as part of...
  5. Ernestbok

    CronosPro v.v5.0.11003

    CronosPro - RDBMS Combines high speed, economical placement of data on disk, simple user interface. Designed for organization of information in the form of data banks and their further processing. Patches: Not required, patched Hidden Content VirusTotal archive...
  6. Ernestbok

    Shellter Pro 4.0

    i managed to download this on a telegram but don't have the password any one have the password for this? Hidden Content
  7. Ernestbok

    Appscan 10.0.7 Installer

    Appscan use to scan vulnerability website Version 10.0.7 is now available. It includes: - Brand new interface improves user experience, workflow and triage - Switch between light mode and the new dark mode - Supports OTP - Supports TLS 1.3 - Reports: Added "CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software...
  8. Ernestbok

    Oxygen Forensic Crack?

    Hello everyone, does anyone have a crack file for oxygen Forensic? I really need it, thanks in advance Find Reply Quote Report Gearcapitan BreachForums User Member Posts: 22 Threads: 0 Joined: Jul 2022 Reputation: 0 #2 July 4, 2022, 05:05 PM the same question! waiting for the crack
  9. Ernestbok

    Tempomail - Command Line Temporary Email in Linux

    [Image: demo.gif] Hidden Content And yes, аnyone can use online tempmails but this is for people who like use commands or for education and etc. Rolleyes [Image: 13667775-592445390934293-1344403591061451959-o.jpg]
  10. Ernestbok

    Unlimited Cloud Storage for free

    Get unlimited cloud storage for free Hidden Content
  11. Ernestbok

    Rapid7 Nexpose crack

    A newer version has been posted by @Fuckery - if this is what you want, go to their post. 1. download attached zip file, extract files. 2. download nexpose 3. install nexpose 4. if nexpose automatically starts, stop it 5. copy nxshared.jar...
  12. Ernestbok

    cobalt strike all kits

    cobaltstrike_all_kits Taken from tg Link : VT:
  13. Ernestbok

    Cobaltstike's latest JAR package leaks(cobaltstrike_4.7)

    Hello friends, I want to leak the latest jar package of cobaltstrike on the Breached forum. This software is only for local testing, and more data will be leaked in the future. Please give me some reputation. Have fun :) shasum -a 256 cobaltstrike.jar [Image: 2dfpgCX.png]...
  14. Ernestbok

    Lively Wallpaper

    [Image: windows10-wallpaper.gif] Lively Wallpaper - Animated desktop wallpapers, bring your desktop to life! Lively is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) project. You can download some video wallpaper from YouTube (HD) and use for your wallpaper! Rolleyes DOWNLOAD...
  15. Ernestbok

    Driver Booster Pro 9 & Free Giveaway License Key

    [Image:] Driver Booster not only scans your PC for drivers and installed programs that need updating but also will list the most important drivers on your PC and let you know which drivers are related to which hardware. After scanning your PC, the software shows the list of...
  16. Ernestbok

    Acunetix 14.9.220713150 (14th July 2022)

    New features JAVA IAST AcuSensor can now be used on WebSphere HTTP requests can be copied as Curl command from the vulnerability data New vulnerability checks New check for DotCMS unrestricted file upload (CVE-2022-26352) New check for .NET JSON.NET Deserialization RCE New check for...
  17. Ernestbok

    Working with huge Database Text filea

    I came across this on multiple occasions that people while doing pen test or working with a breached DB finds its difficult to operate the huge text file. the file sizes around 20-80Gb and its not possible to manage using standard known text viewers and editors. Notepad, Notepad++, Nano...
  18. Ernestbok

    Email verification - Bulk /fast

    With all these leaks and databases the major issue i face is how to verify emails fast and in bulk manner. Help me with the names of best email verification tools you people use- both open source and paid.
  19. Ernestbok

    ForbiddenPass v1.0

    This tool uses payloads that can help you bypass forbidden pages with HTTP code 403. It's mostly use by bug bounty hunters and penetration testers.
  20. Ernestbok

    Themida 3 - Licensed 32bit

    Themida is one of the most advanced obfuscators for Windows. It makes reverse engineering very difficult. For use with your very legal and safe programs ;) Hidden Content
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