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  1. Ernestbok


    Link Virustotal: VirusTotal - File - 4f5703996afd9be7963b26fa947939ce19b8d27ed91aa6f657d3dd50595c99ca Download: Hidden Content Install it and replace the exe with the cracked version. 1) any license entered works 2) will be type...
  2. Ernestbok

    Immunity Canvas 2021 7.27 + D2 v2.55

    IMMUNITY PRODUCTS, LLC d.b.a. IMMUNITY SOLUTIONS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (with the schedules annexed hereto, the “Agreement”) is made as of the day when registered on the download server (the “Effective Date”) between “Licensee”, the user of the software, whether...
  3. Ernestbok

    [Release] | Fake Credwiz

    Simple C++ Program that attempts to phish the user's credentials. The program compares Windows NTLM password hash against the user's input; If true, the entered password will be logged in "output.txt". The program continuously loops and will NOT allow exit if the requirements are not met. Final...
  4. Ernestbok

    Nessus Plugin Update 20220407

    systemctl stop nessusd /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli update ./all-2.0_202204071544.tar.gz systemctl start nessusd Hidden Content
  5. Ernestbok

    Nessus plugin not working

    Hello everyone, I have installed Nessus versions 10.3.0 and try to install crack plugin but it doesn't work. I installed as follows: systemctl stop nessusd /opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli update ./all-2.0_202204071544.tar.gz systemctl start nessusd I used the following plugin...
  6. Ernestbok

    Internet Download Manager (IDM) lastest version

    What is IDM ? check this site: Download link: VIRUS TOTAL "zip" hash checked: 915e33f875ed1739a1d73c767b4fe3c07c84b38a7266986379fcb1eb49d47827 Quote: After installed and crack IDM give...
  7. Ernestbok

    Does anyone have the latest version of bruteratel

    Does anyone have the latest version of bruteratel and can exchange resources. If so, please contact me, telegram:, or direct private chat
  8. Ernestbok


    Hello can someone have cisco modeling labs or virl with activation
  9. Ernestbok

    [Request] Web Inspect version

    Dear All Friends. If you have the crack last version or Web Inspect version Please share. Many thank and Good day. TX
  10. Ernestbok

    Look for AppScan Source 10.* versions

    Can someone share the installer for AppScan Source 10.* version, thanks. Need AppScan Source + AppScan Enterprise url: AppScan Source version 10.0.8 AppScan Enterprise 10.0.8
  11. Ernestbok

    Databases Upgrades Search Hidden Service Extras cocodrilo

    [Image: ioxgwy.jpg] The world’s most used penetration testing frameworkKnowledge is power, especially when it’s shared. A collaboration between the open-source community and Rapid7, Metasploit helps security teams do more than just verify vulnerabilities, manage security assessments, and...
  12. Ernestbok


    de4dot is an open source (GPLv3) .NET deobfuscator and unpacker written in C#. It will try its best to restore a packed and obfuscated assembly to almost the original assembly. Most of the obfuscation can be completely restored (eg. string encryption), but symbol renaming is impossible to...
  13. Ernestbok

    Epubor Reader for Windows: Free one-year subscription

    Epubor Reader is a small, simple app for reading e-books that is made for people who want something straightforward and easy to use. This lightweight application with a clean, simple interface lets you read e-books saved in EPUB, MOBI, PDF, and other formats. Electronic books (e-books) have been...
  14. Ernestbok

    dark leecher

    leecher recommend execute in a ENV controllable or VM maybe contain malware
  15. Ernestbok

    Nessus Plugin Update 202207211945 DownLink: Documents are only kept valid for 30 days
  16. Ernestbok

    why most people use ready programs? and is it profitable?

    why you guys are using ready programs like metasploit and just pressing one button or just writing exploit right after setting the rhost and is it really difference if i could make my own exploit rather than use ready programs to exploit?
  17. Ernestbok

    Old version of Netflix decompiled

    Info: Netflix version 5.0 build 16231 Hidden Content first contact in PM
  18. Ernestbok

    Cobalt Strike Open Dir

    ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}/ CobaltStrike/ Procdump.rar Test.class frp.tar.gz marshalsec-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT-all.jar rarlinux-3.8.0.tar.gz xxxx.exe* shit happens tho
  19. Ernestbok

    did anyone here try this IRC botnet yet? and is it ok to use?

    Link to the github repo:
  20. Ernestbok

    What exploitation method exist today

    When i got into hacking and other shit you know i discovered that there are only 3 maybe 4 exploitation techniques and not other 1. heap overflow 2. stack overflow 3. buffer overflow 4. format string and it was weird because in real world hacking no one talks about them and they barely exists in...
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