Search results

  1. Ernestbok

    - BlackSnake Ransomware -

    - BlackSnake Ransomware -
  2. Ernestbok


    [Image: BANNER.png] Hey! I'm kinda new to programming. I managed to create a program to optimizer and clean your computer (Antivirus Included). *FEATURES* -Clean unused temporary data -Optimize your computer to improve performance -Change battery saving mode -Disable telemetry -Disable unused...
  3. Ernestbok

    CIS Countries Database Converter - 1C

    1C Database Converter Comes in handy dealing with unique Russian databases. There is also another tool available for Cronos DB parsing. I will post it later Converts binary files of 1C (1CD, cf, epf, efd, etc.) to CSV Quote: 1C is a very popular program in CIS countries for...
  4. Ernestbok


    Does anyone have the iso file for chrome os need it for a project TY :D
  5. Ernestbok

    FB Checker

    Hi, is there any working Facebook account checker yet?
  6. Ernestbok

    sorting very large combolists for h8mail

    I have a very big databases with countless entries which I want to use with h8mail. My datasets sometimes use a foreign letters and semicolon as a delimiter. So I rename spaces or dots in the filename or any illegal character. Cut out all lines with everything but a colon as delimiter Change...
  7. Ernestbok

    SANS - SEC599

    Does anyone have SANS SEC599 exam dumps ? Please DM me or post the links. In exchange, I can share the latest course :)
  8. Ernestbok

    Is there any tool to get target's GPS Location?

    Is there any tool that can get any target's GPS location by compromising GPS? I can get IP and tower locations from Telco, but that's not accurate. The only way to get an accurate location is using the GPS Is there any way to get this?
  9. Ernestbok

    Any good text editor to open large SQL files on Linux?

    All's in the title.
  10. Ernestbok

    Pentesting - Default cred searching tool

    Yo is this the spot for sharing interesting new tools? Rapid7 dropped this called Defaultinator, it's got like about 800 default UN/PW combos for common hardware and shit. I didn't use it yet but it looks cool. potentially saves a lot of time if it works. I will use...
  11. Ernestbok

    Google Chrome ClickJacking

    ############################################################# # Application Name : Google Chrome Web Browser # Vulnerable Type : Clickjacking # Home : # Author : ClumsyLulz #############################################################...
  12. Ernestbok

    Acunetix Premium v14.2.210503151 + Crack

    Hi i have a old clear Acunetix + Crack file from Raidforums. For crack: 1、Replace wvsc.exe > C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix\14.2.210503151 2、license_info.json & wa_data.dat > C:\ProgramData\Acunetix\shared\license 3、run cmd as administrator > cacls...
  13. Ernestbok


    New version available in this thread:
  14. Ernestbok

    ATT C Service/Representants use OPUS

    OPUS software is what they use. I thought the people at call centers used Windstream (someone mentioned it on, but it seems confusing) I remember hearing about the snatch and grab for T-Mobile stuff, which resulted in them increasing lock-in methods after loosing the item. I doubt if...
  15. Ernestbok

    [request] Splunk Enterprise Security

    i'm deploying Splunk and testing Splunk Enterprise Security, i already have the old version of it but i need its newer version, can anyone share the download link for this software for me?
  16. Ernestbok

    Cobalt Strike 4.4 Crack Tool Usage: unzip these into the same folder of cobaltstrike.jar Enjoy.
  17. Ernestbok

    [Request] Fortiweb Trail or Crack versions 7

    Dear Friend, God member, Mod. i have a request. I would like to ask you to share with me the software "Fortiweb version 7.x" trail or crack version. Purpose of use: i do labs. thank you very much for reading and i am very happy to receive your reply. Best regards. I wish you a good day.
  18. Ernestbok

    Who has Acunetix 14.7.x or latest for Kali Linux

    Who has Acunetix 14.7.x or latest for Kali Linux
  19. Ernestbok

    Good resources regarding writing malware?

    Does anyone have good resources regarding writing malware? I understand tha twriting it in and of itself is easy, but stuff like privilege escalation and not being noticed by end users seems very difficult. Privilege escalation I have my own ideas, but in the end how would I make money?
  20. Ernestbok

    HCL AppScan Standart / Acunetix

    HCL AppScan Standart 10.0.8 Released -- Any new patch? Acunetix 14.9.220713150 Released -- Any new patch? Heart Heart Heart Heart
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